Multiply using the expanded form
Let’s Review Write the expanded for the number using place value. 45 40 + 5
Let’s Review Write the expanded for the number using place value. 239 200 + 30 + 9
Let’s Review Write the expanded for the number using place value. 5,278 5,000 + 200 + 70 + 8
Let’s Review Use patterns to multiply. 6 x 5 = ? 30 6 x 50 = ? 300 6 groups of 5 hundreds is 30 hundreds or 3,000. 6 x 500 = ? 3000 6 groups of 5 ones is 30 ones. 6 groups of 5 tens is 30 tens or 300.
I can multiply using place value and patterns. 43 x 6 = ? 6 40 + 3 6 240 18 = 258 I need to find 6 groups of 40 plus 6 groups of 3. Now I add the partial products. 240 + 18 I can use place value to break apart the 43. Try your own!
Solve Try it Out!
What is the product of 543 and 3? 1500 + 120 + 9 = 1629
Select all the expressions that have the product of 240. Ⓐ 200 (40) Ⓑ 80 x 3 Ⓒ 60 (4) Ⓓ 48 x 5 Ⓔ 20 (8) B,C,D