Providence College Celebrating 100 Years 1917 - 2017
AGENDA Mission Vision Goals Stakeholders Celebration Fundraising Infrastructure Current Students Alumni Sports Fans Religious Community Celebration Website Events Documentary Sculpture Fundraising Marketing Timeline Budget 2
MISSION To provide an immersive experience for a variety of Providence College stakeholders in order to celebrate the college’s rich history. 3
VISION We will create a year-long plan that will encompass a number of events focused toward specific Providence College stakeholder groups. Each event will be a celebration of the college’s history and will tie in to it. 4
GOALS Respectfully celebrate the rich history of Providence College Raise awareness of the Providence College brand Raise $10m for the school’s endowment 5
STAKEHOLDERS Donors Religion Alumni Fans Students Parents Faculty Staff 6
INFRASTRUCTURE 7 Board of Directors President Executive Office Brian Shanley, O.P. Executive Office Kenneth Sicard, O.P. Academic Affairs Dr. Hugh Lena Finance & Business John Sweeney Institutional Advancement Gregory Waldron Institutional Diversity Rafael Zapata Mission & Ministry Student Affairs Legal Services Human Resources Athletics Public Affairs Marketing & Communication Enrollment Academic Services Academic Media Services International Studies Library School of Business School of Arts & Sciences School of Professional Studies School of Continuing Education Business Services Financial Services Information Technology Capital Projects & Facilities Development Development Projects Alumni Relations Engagement Annual Giving Major Gifts 7
CURRENT STUDENTS Population: 4,680 Most Common Majors: 4,392 Undergrad 57% Female, 43% Male 2,748 from New England 106 International (3%) Most Common Majors: Marketing Finance Biology Accountancy Management 20 Intramural Sports Board of Programmers 8
ALUMNI “Forever a Friar” Approximately 1,000 new alumni each year 25 Alumni Clubs International Alumni Association 9
SPORTS FANS Division 1: Big East / Hockey East Men’s Basketball $20m/year 7-10,000 fans/game Demographics Male (68.6%) 45-54 (19.8%) Caucasian (79.5%) $50-$75k (19.5%) 10
RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY Roman Catholic 2 Chapels 2 Oratories 1 Church Dominican 2 Chapels 2 Oratories 1 Church Large student involvement Public 11
CELEBRATION Committee Website 100 Year Documentary Alumni Gatherings Legacy Basketball Game Donors Gala Lessons & Carols Living Sculpture 12
WEBSITE Subdomain “Landing page” Timeline Accept donations Post events Accept donations Engage community Alumni stories Event follow-ups Display documentary 13
DOCUMENTARY Created through Marketing Shows history of school Archives/historian Famous alumni Past and current staff and faculty 14
ALUMNI GATHERINGS Five Locations Regional Presidents Alumni Affairs Providence Los Angeles Seattle Chicago Miami Regional Presidents Alumni Affairs Hotel/Restaurant Networking event 15
BASKETBALL GAME April, Dunkin Donuts Center Past basketball players throughout years May use some current ones Sell tickets, merchandise Primarily fundraising 16
LESSONS & CAROLS December, St. Dominic’s Chapel Invite choral and orchestral alumni to perform Food 17
LIVING SCULPTURE In Library College milestones Pictures Donations Students, alumni, archives Donations 18
FUNDRAISING Development Typical giving models On website Raffles at alumni gatherings Tickets to basketball game Donations at L&C Donation for Living Sculpture Major Donors Gala With Awards 19
MARKETING Mail: Packet E-mail At basketball games Current students On-Campus ads Calling Campaign Social Media Facebook, Twitter, Instagram #PC100Years Personal Outreach 20
TIMELINE 21 6/16: Celeb Committee First Mtg Website Development Documentary Dev Begins Launch Social Media Accts Marketing sends packets Marketing: E-mails 7/16: Design of Sculpture Book Dunkin Donuts Center Alumni: Plan Gatherings 8/16: Marketing: Calling campaign Construction Sculpture begins Alumni: Work with Regional Presidents 9/16 School Begins Convocation On-Campus Ads Lessons and Carols Planning 10/16 Marketing: Basketball Games Begin finding players for Basketball Game 11/16 Release of Documentary Book Gala 12/16 Lessons and Carols Finish Sculpture Over Break 1/16 Spring Semester Begins Unveiling of Sculpture 2/16 Alumni Gatherings Occur 3/16 Market Gala to Large Donors 4/16 Basketball Game 5/16 Donors Gala Commencement 21
BUDGET $350,000 22 Donors Gala Basketball Game Documentary Lessons & Carols Sculpture Alumni Gatherings Website/Social Media Marketing Merchandise Contingency $125k $75k $25k $5k $40k $20k $10k 22