#88-curro-Latin-run curriculum- study that runs over a period of time recur- (re – again) run into again, happen again excursion- (ex – out of) a trip
#89-zoon-Greek-animal zoology- (logos – word, study) study of animals protozoon- (protos – first) earliest form of one-celled animal life on earth palezoic- (paleo – earlier) early animal period (with many fossils)
#90 versum-Latin- turn advertise- (ad – to, toward) turn people toward a product controversial- (contra – against) two sides turned toward each other diversity- (dis – separate) turning to separate ways; unlikeness
#91 factum- Latin- do, make factory- (orium – place for) place for making things manufacture- (manus – hand) make by hand deface- (de – down) to mar or destroy
# 92 scribo- Latin- write inscription- (in – in) writing in a book transcribe- (trans – across) transfer speech into writing manuscript- (manus – hand) written by hand
#93 plicatum-Latin-fold explicit- (ex – out) it is unfolded, perfectly clear and easy to understand implicate- (in – in, into) fold into or involved (implicated in a crime) accomplice- (ad – to, toward; con – together) one who is folded together with another in crime
#94 dictum-Latin-speak, say diction- manner of speaking dictation- speaking so another may write it down contradiction - (contra – against) speak against
#95 biblos-Greek-book bibliography- (graph – write) list of books on a particular subject bibliomania- (mania – madness) craziness about books bibliophobia- (phobos – fear) fear of books
#96 liber-Latin-book library- place where books are kept libel- written accusation liberetto- (Italian – booklet) words to which opera music has been written
#97 scio- Latin- know science- knowledge which results from study conscience- (con – with, together) knowledge of right and wrong omniscience- (omnis – all) knowing all
#98 discipulus-Latin- student disciple- a student discipline- teaching or instruction disciplinary- pertaining to correction; ordered control
#99 sauros-Greek-lizard dinosaur- (deinos – terrible) terrible lizard tyrannosaurus- (tyrannos – absolute ruler) tyrant lizard, tyrant meaning absolute ruler stegasaurus- (stego - roof) lizard with a shell on its back
#100 amo-Latin- love amiable- kindly, lovable, good-natured amorous- (osus – full of) full of love enamoured- (in – in) captivated in love