Do you know when to use each correctly? Wear? Where? Were? Do you know when to use each correctly?
Let’s look at some examples Wear means to have on the body. Where means in what place or to what place or from what place. Were is used in all other cases.
Try these out! Put wear, where or were into the blanks. I ______ warm clothes in winter. I do not know ______ Mr Banks lives. We ______ at the game yesterday. ______ are you going this evening? Susan had to ______ a bandage on her arm. When we ______ at the seaside we swam. People ______ sandals in warm countries. ______ Ryan and David at the library? (Answers on next slide!!!)
Answers I wear warm clothes in winter. I do not know where Mr Banks lives. We were at the game yesterday. Where are you going this evening? Susan had to wear a bandage on her arm. When we were at the seaside we swam. People wear sandals in warm countries. Were Ryan and David at the library? Now let’s try some more examples.
Try these now. Put wear, where or were into the blanks. ______ did the new pupils come from? Clothes to ______ for summer are in the shops. ______ can she be? How many boys ______ with you? ______ you here last night when we ______ visiting? We ______ going to the lane ______ we could pick blackberries. They ______ looking for a place ______ they could rest. This is the house ______ we lived while you ______ away. (Answers on next slide!!!)
Answers Where did the new pupils come from? Clothes to wear for summer are in the shops. Where can she be? How many boys were with you? Were you here last night when we were visiting? We were going to the lane where we could pick blackberries. They were looking for a place where they could rest. This is the house where we lived while you were away.
How did you you do? Total was 20 altogether over both sets of questions - less than 16 suggests you need to revise! Look at each spelling – was there one you did not do well in? Revise it. If you got them all right – very well done! Now don’t forget to use the correct spelling in your own work!!!