Presentation: K. D. Taleska dipl. Ing. Arh. Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe Réseau des Associations de Pouvoirs Locaux de l’Europe du Sud-Est Urban Integration of informal Settlements project Candidate : Municipality Prilep MK Presentation: K. D. Taleska dipl. Ing. Arh.
Strategic plans of the Municipality of Prilep Urban Integration of informal Settlements project Candidate : Municipality of Prilep - Macedonia Elementary LAWS Law on spatial and urban planning Law on enacting of the spatial plan Law on construction Law on construction land Law on legalization of informal / illegal buildings Strategic plans of the Municipality of Prilep General Urban Plan (2001) Local Environmental Action Plan (2003) Profile and strategic Plan for local Economic Development of the Municipality of Prilep (2007)
Urban Integration of informal Settlements project Candidate : Municipality of Prilep - Macedonia Municipality Prilep Boundaries Area 1194 km2 Population 76 768 Villages 59 Municipality Prilep
Demographic structure Urban Integration of informal Settlements project Candidate : Municipality of Prilep - Macedonia Demographic structure Macedonians 70 878 (92.33%) Albanians 22 (0.03%) Turks 917 (1.19%) Roma 4433 ; 5.77% Vlachs 17 ; 0.02% Serbs 172 ; 0.22% Bosniacs 86 ; 0.11% Other 243 ; 0.32% Climate Mild continental
Urban Integration of informal Settlements project Candidate : Municipality of Prilep - Macedonia Social structure Employment rate 34.5% Unemployment rate 48% BDP (Region of Pelagonia) $6905 Apartments 27721 Households 23227 Average members per household 3.2 Households with water supply 97.6 % Households connected to sewage system 86.7 % Households with bathroom and toilet 74.5 %
Urban Integration of informal Settlements project Candidate : Municipality of Prilep - Macedonia Map of Prilep Town: Citizens 68 148 Urban Area : Town 1537Ha Habitation 805.52Ha 52.41% Currently used 1180Ha Habitation 715.92Ha 60.67% UAE 4 UAE 11 UAE 20
Urban Integration of informal Settlements project Candidate : Municipality Prilep MK Geodetic surface UAE 20 and a part of 21 Number of houses 800; 2 paved streets, the rest earthen; Sewage: a small part have built out-houses; Water supply: self-built Power supply: Combined with city
Urban Integration of informal Settlements project Candidate : Municipality Prilep MK Extract from the city plan of Prilep UAE 20 and a part of 21 Area with illegal construction: 1 to 10 95.73Ha-11.88% 1. 9. 2. 4. 10. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Area analysis according to the City Plan Urban Integration of informal Settlements project Candidate : Municipality Prilep MK Area analysis according to the City Plan Housing area 805.52 Ha Central functions 70.49 Ha Business area 405.70 Ha Parks, green areas, sports and recreation 63.10 Ha Special purpose 24.96Ha Streets: main and auxilliary 119.05 Ha Rivers and water courses 15.00 Ha Other 33.18 Ha Usable housing area per inhabitant: 23m2/inhabitant Ratio of housing buildings and family houses 20:80 Net density 95 inhabitants/Ha Gross density 50 inhabitants/Ha
Urban Integration of informal Settlements project Candidate : Municipality Prilep MK Households in the settlement - Neighbours
Urban Integration of informal Settlements project Candidate : Municipality Prilep MK Households in the settlement
Urban Integration of informal Settlements project Candidate : Municipality Prilep MK Image of a household with an out-house
Urban Integration of informal Settlements project Candidate : Municipality Prilep MK Household with an out-house and well water-supply
Urban Integration of informal Settlements project Candidate : Municipality Prilep MK Image of the streets in the settlement
Urban Integration of informal Settlements project Candidate : Municipality Prilep MK Image of a street in the settlement
Urban Integration of informal Settlements project Candidate : Municipality Prilep MK Image of a household next to the railway line Prilep - Bitola
Urban Integration of informal Settlements project Candidate : Municipality Prilep MK Image of a street in the settlement