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Presentation transcript:

MONITORING ACTIVE POLICIES ON LABOR MARKET Prof. Dipl. Eng. Venelin Terziev D.Sc. (Ec.), D.Sc. (National Security), Ph.D. Assist. Prof. Ekaterina Arabska 18th EBES Conference - U.A.E.  January 8-10, 2016  U.A.E.  Hosted by  American University of Sharjah (AUS)  School of Business Administration

Introduction Policy making on the labor market Strategic objectives Active policies on the labor market Social programming

Methodology for development of active social programs identification of the social problem Apprehending a clearer understanding of the problem and the reasonable control of certain key processes, the crisis can become an opportunity, helping people not just to survive but also to reach the tops of change and gain a new sense of control over their development.

Methodology for development of active social programs determining the social objective of the program is the starting point for the programming process of the development of human resources External social environment provides an objective characteristic of the surrounding conditions, parameters and structure of external objects, interacting in one degree or another with the object;

Methodology for development of active social programs design of the planned trajectory for human resource development takes place within and taking into account the implementation of the adopted comprehensive set of central and regional programs in accordance with predetermined social criteria The design of the trajectory of the development of human resources is related to the resolution of the next objective tasks: First, determination of the initial coordinates of the process of development of human resources. Second, description of the terms of the extreme conditions (extreme coordinates of the trajectory of motion). Third, setting the criteria for qualitative and quantitative indicators for human resources development.

Study presented in the paper Current study makes an analysis of the implementation of some specific measures financed by the state budget and under the Operational program „Human resources development” in Bulgaria co-financed by the European social fund of the European union. It examines the indicators for monitoring, as well as programs and measures oriented towards training and employment as part of the active policies implemented in the country.

On the basis of the available statistical data, the study makes a classification of the indicators which could be used in the monitoring in the active labor market policies’ implementation. Six different indicators are examined first. Then, the investigation distinguishes the implementation of programs and measures financed by the state budget and those implemented under the Operational program „Human resources development”. The analyses are made for the year 2014 when the main programs and measures enter in the final phase of the program period 2006-2013. The focus is on the implementation of projects by the Bulgarian national Employment agency. Further, the initiatives are grouped according to the goals of the conducted active policies.

Amount of funds spent on active policies on the labor market A. Indicators to monitor the active policy on the labor market 1. Amount of money spent Amount of funds spent on active policies on the labor market

Number of persons in the active policy on the labor market 2. Number of persons embraced by in the active policy on the labor market Number of persons in the active policy on the labor market

3. Relationship between the money spent and the number of persons involved in the active policies on the labor market When comparing the amount of funds spent on active policy and the number of persons involved in the initiative a decrease is noticed in the volume of funding in 2014, and the number of persons included in programs, encouraging measures and OP „HRD” compared to the previous year. Determining role in this plays the dynamics of the project cycle of the schemes under the operational program- in 2013 and 2014 deadlines expire for implementation of a large number of schemes. Moreover, the amount of funding from the state budget is smaller too, and therefore- the smaller the number of persons included in programs and incentives.

Expenditures on active policies per unemployed person (in Lev) 4. The ratio between the cost of the active policies and the registered unemployed Expenditures on active policies per unemployed person (in Lev)

5. Ratio of subsidies (1/2) Persons included in subsidized employment under programs, measures and OP “HRD” Persons included in subsidized employment under the national program “From social assistance to employment” January December Monthly dynamics of the number of persons employed in subsidized employment in 2014

Dynamic coefficient of subsidy 5. Ratio of subsidies (2/2) January 2012 December 2014 Dynamic coefficient of subsidy

6. Number of persons observed disadvantaged groups in the labor market (1/4) The initiatives of active labor market policy in 2014 embrace a total of 64332 women (of which 28612- in programs and encouraging measures, and 35720 - in training and in employment after the training schemes of the OP "HRD"). The proportion of women in the total number of persons involved amounts to 52.7%.

6. Number of persons observed disadvantaged groups in the labor market (2/4) Young people up to 24 years included in the active policy initiatives are 15743 (from them in programs are included 4463 persons, in encouraging measures- 662 persons, and schemes under OP „HRD”- 10618 persons). Young people up to the age of 29 included in the active policy on the labor market in 2014 are 29380. Of these 9493 are included in the programs and support measures under EPA and 19887- in schemes of OP „HRD”. Their share of the total number of persons included is 24.1% and it is decreased compared to the previous year by 1.1%. The largest share have young people involved in encouraging measures- 60.4%, while their share in the programs is only 14.9%.

6. Number of persons observed disadvantaged groups in the labor market (3/4) The number of persons over 50 years included in the active policy on the labor market is 29892. Their share amounts to 24.5% and increases by 2.2% in comparison to 2013. Unemployed persons with disabilities are included in all programs, measures and schemes under OP "HRD", their number in 2014 is 892 or 0.7% of the total number of persons included. Their share compared to the previous year decreases by 1.5%. To achieve social integration of people with disabilities programs and measures under EPA are implemented that provide employment especially for those target groups. During the year 2258 persons per month participate, including persons started work in previous periods, or 9.4% of total number in employment programs and measures.

6. Number of persons observed disadvantaged groups in the labor market (4/4) The number of long-term unemployed persons involved in training and employment programs and measures OP „HRD” is 21916 (programs and measures- and 18706, OP „HRD”- 3210). Their share in total number of unemployed persons covered by active policies amounts to 22.7% and increases in comparison to 2013 by 4.4%. In some schemes of the OP „HRD” in the group of young people up to 29 years are included persons up to 25 years old, and in the group of persons over 50 years - persons over the age of 55.

B. Implementation of programs and measures for training and employment funded by the state budget Persons working on programs and measures for training and employment

C. Implementation of schemes under the Operational Program „Human Resources Development”, co-financed by the European Social Fund of the EU Number of unemployed persons included in the training schemes of the OP "HRD" and in employment after the training schemes of the OP "HRD"

Number of employees included in the training schemes of the OP "HRD"

D. Grouping of initiatives implemented in 2014 according to the purpose of active policy Increasing the knowledge and skills of employed and unemployed persons Training of unemployed persons Training of employees Supporting the start of an independent economic activity of unemployed persons Providing support and access to employment for unemployed people from disadvantaged groups on the labor market Young people up to the age of 29 Unemployed persons with disabilities Unemployed persons over the age of 50 Creating employment for unemployed persons in the provision of social services and public order Other vulnerable groups in the labor market Maintaining the existing and creation of new jobs

Assessment of effectiveness of social activity At the stage of development: draft program is evaluated on qualitative indicators fixed in it basic value orientations (degrees of compliance with the objectives of the creators of the program, with the objectives of socio-economic development of the country, declared legal norms and principles, as well and expectations of the subjects of the program). At the stage of implementation: the effectiveness of the program, expressed in the qualitative indicators of organizational, legal and management components in the implementation of the program (condition for socially efficient government is the presence of an effective mechanism for coordination of social impacts in the welfare state services- contractors of the program). Completion (assessment) stage: the program is assessed by quantitative indicators of economic constituent of efficiency (referencing the volume of services and their value in terms of the limited human and material resources) and qualitative indicators (degree of compliance with the objectives of managers and organizers of the program to the needs of the subjects of the program).

Conclusion Structural changes in the economy are such that the use of old methods to regulate the employment and unemployment are already inadequate. Social technologies are needed for the transition of society to carry out a reform stage to another, from individual solutions to a system of measures for the regulation of the cycle of moving the workforce from one to another type of rehabilitation model of employment. Looking at the programs for social protection of the population carried by state social services employment in Bulgaria, it could be concluded that the existing system of social protection of the population and its social services is primarily focused on the „process”. Clear is the need to develop analytical and systematic approaches to decisions on spending the budget funds and in the development or adjustment of social policy.

Thank you for your attention! MONITORING ACTIVE POLICIES ON LABOR MARKET Prof. Dipl. Eng. Venelin Terziev D.Sc. (Ec.), D.Sc. (National Security), Ph.D. Angel Kanchev University of Ruse - Bulgaria 18th EBES Conference - U.A.E.  January 8-10, 2016  U.A.E.  Hosted by  American University of Sharjah (AUS)  School of Business Administration Thank you for your attention!