Voting And Elections CH 10-11 Unit VII Voting And Elections CH 10-11
Qualifications & Procedures for Voting Vote: the best way for Americans to express their opinions Native born or naturalized citizen 18 yrs old Resident if NC for 1 yr Resident of county for 30 days No felony convictions Register to vote in the district you live in Read & write English
Voting Registration Procedures Register at county board of elections court house (DMV) Identification (birth certificate, SS card, drivers license) to verify age, citizenship, & address Register as Republican, Democrat, or Unaffiliated
Special Circumstances Swear all information is true Sign registration form Special Circumstances Reregister if moved away & come back Update registration if moving from one precinct to another Absentee ballot- armed forces, civil service, peace corps, or being away at College can register to vote by mail
Voting Procedure Enter polling place, give name address to judge of elections For primary election state party affiliation Enter voting booth, cast ballot Vote straight ticket, individual, or cast write in Absentee (in jail for misdemeanor, sick, disabled, or student away from home)
II. Elections Presidential Election Years 2008 most recent, every 4 yrs to follow Vote for President, Vice President NC Governor, Lt. Governor All 8 elected executive departments
Political Party Organization or Political Machine to get candidates elected National Committee State Committee County & Local Committee Precinct Organization Party members
Presidential Election Process Announce Candidacy Presidential Primaries Party National Nominating Convention Party Campaigns Election Day Electoral College President takes Office
Party Platforms/Planks What a candidate or Political party stands for. Defense Budget Taxes Welfare Minority Rights Crime, abortion, education Social Security Health Care
Propaganda Techniques, Media, Interest Groups Bandwagon Name Calling Card Stacking Plain Folks Glittering Generalities Testimonial Transfer
Electoral College Number of Congressman from each state ex. NC has 15 members in Congress so they have 15 Electoral College votes
G. Lobbyist: Members of special interest groups who persuade Congress and the President to pass and support ideas that helps them. ie. The NRA (national riflemen association) Would not like to see any gun laws passed. Greenpeace would not like to see oil drilling in the National parks in Alaska
Kerry 251 Bush 286