PRESENT SIMPLE We use the PRESENT SIMPLE when we talk about: TIMETABLES, PROGRAMMES etc… My train leaves at 15:00. PEOPLE WHEN THEIR PLANS ARE FIXED LIKE A TIMETABLE I start work on Monday.
PRESENT CONTINUOUS We use the PRESENT CONTINUOUS for: ARRENGEMENTS: What are you doing on Saturday evening? I’m going to the theatre. FOR AN ACTION JUST BEFORE WE BEGIN TO DO IT: I’m tired, I’m going to bed now.
GOING TO + INF We use GOING TO + INF when i have decided to do something, when I intend to do it. I’m going to go shopping this afternoon. I’m going to do something = I have the intention of doing something but perhaps I haven’t arranged it yet. I’m doing something = I have arranged to do it.
GOING TO + INF We use GOING TO + INF to predict the future when the situation now makes it clear. She is going to have a baby (she is pregnant) It is going to rain (there are black clouds) The economic situation is bad now and it is going to get worse. I think I’m going to be sick (I feel terrible now)
WILL + INF We use WILL + INF to talk about the future (predictions) ‘She has studied hard, do you think she’ll pass the exam?’ ‘Yes, she’ll pass easyly’ We often use WILL with: Probably – I’ll probably be home late tonight. I expect – I haven’t seen Carol today. I expect she’ll phone this evening. I’m sure – Don’t worry about the exam. I’m sure you’ll pass it. I think – Do you think Sarah will like the present we bought her? I don’t think – I don’t think the exam will be very difficult. I wonder – I wonder what will happen.
WILL + INF We use WILL + INF in these situations: When we decide to do something at the time of speaking. I’m hungry. I think I’ll have something to eat. ‘Do you want to drink something?’ ‘I’ll have a tea, thanks’ Offering to do something: That bag looks heavy. I’ll help you. Agreeing to do something: ‘Can you give Tim this book?’ ‘Sure, I’ll give it to him this afternoon’ Promising to do something ‘I won’t tell anyone what happened’ Asking somebody to do something (Will you …?) Will you please turn the stereo down? I’m trying to study.