MICROBIOLOGY Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Str. dr Subotica 1, Belgrade Faculty of Medicine University of Belgrade Course Director: prof. dr Maja Ćupić maja.cupic@med.bg.ac.rs
Parts of Subject Bacteriology Virology Parasitology and Mycology
Classes- Microbiology Practical Classes (Lab. Rooms 1 & 2) Seminars Practical Lessons Theoretical Classes (Head Building, Department School of English Lectures Lab. Room 1 – 2nd floor Lab. Room 2 – 3th floor
Rules Workbook bring WORKBOOK to practical lessons fill out student evidence record from workbook and bring your photo Absences from practical lessons max 2 per semester in the summer semester absences must be from diffirent parts of the subject (bacteriology/virology/parasitology) Make ups only in the lab room where the student has classes (lab room 1 or 2) you must ask teacher if they allow make up If you have more than 2 abscences per semester MAKE UPS will be organized at the and of winter and summer semester. (appropriate medical certificate and approval of the Course Director are recquired for make ups)
Final Mark of Microbiology composed of: Pre Exam Activities Exam Final Mark Colloquiums– 20% Student Activity-10% Practical Exam– 20% Final Test-50% 30% 70% 100%
Points - Pre-Exam activities (30% of Final Mark) Maksimal No of points Student Activity during Practical Lessons Activity Bacteriology Part Mini Test 1 3 17 105 Tmini Test 2 Mini Test 3 Mini Test 4 Activity 5 Activity Virology Part 9 Mini Test 2 Activity Parasitology & Mycology Part Test Quiz Colloquiums Microbiology I 35 70 Microbiology II
In-class mini tests from Bacteriology II 17.11.2017. III 1.12.2017. IV 2.3.2018.
In-Class Quizzes Schedule 2017/2018. Bacteriology Quiz I. 27. 10.2017. Topics: Pathogenicity and virulence. Normal bacterial flora and symbiotic associations. Specimen collection (examination of specimen from different organ systems). Specimen transport (package and labelling). Detection of bacteria in specimens (microscopic examination, antigen detection and gene detection). Quiz II 17.11.2017. Methods for isolation and identification of bacteria. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Properties and medical importance of Staphylococcus spp. Biofim formation.
Quiz III 01.12.2017. Topics: Laboratory diagnosis of infections caused by Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Enterococcus spp. Properties and medical importance Corynebacterium spp. Properties and medical importance of anaerobic non-spore-forming bacteria. Laboratory diagnosis of infections caused by anaerobic spore-forming and non-spore-forming bacteria. Bacterial zoonoses. Properties and medical importance of Bacillus spp. Quiz IV 02.03.2018. Laboratory diagnosis of infections caused by Mycobacterium spp. Properties and medical importance of Salmonella spp., Shigella spp. and Yersinia spp. Laboratory diagnosis of infections caused by enterobacteria and Gram negative non-fermentative bacteria Properties and medical importance of Vibrio spp., Campylobacter spp. and Helicobacter pylori.
Colloquiums During the school year, there will be two colloquiums: at the end of the winter semester -Microbiology I and second one at the end of the summer semester - Microbiology II. The maximum number of points that a student can win is 35 for each Colloquium Each colloquium will be organized into two terms. First term is obligatory for all students; in second term only students who have appropriate medical certificate (that explains why they could not attend the first term) will be permitted to take a test Terms: Microbiology I – 22.12.2017. at 15,00-15,45 Amphitheatre Histophysiology Re term 12.01.2018. Amphitheatre Silo Microbiology II –27.04. 2018. / Re term 4.05.2018.
EXAM (Practical Exam+Final Test) Practical Exam is oral. (questions from Practical Training Courses). It goes from mark 6 to 10. The resulting mark is multiplied with 0.2 because it carries 20% of Final Mark. Students who have passed the Practical Exam go to the Final Test. Passed the Practical Exam is valid one (actually) Academic year. Students who thus win 85 or more points during Academic year, are released from the Practical Exam which is regarded as the mark 10 (ten) which represents as 2.00.
2. Final Test 6,10-7,09 7 (seven) 7,10–8,09 8 (eigh) The Final Test composed of 100 questions: 50 questions from Bacteriology, 26 questions and 24 questions of Virology and Parasitology and Mycology, respectively. Final Test is passed with 51/100 points. Also, a minimum positive answers from one area is 30%. No. of points on Final Test Mark 51-60 6 (six) 3,00 61-70 7 (seven) 3,50 71-80 8 (eight) 4,00 81-90 9 (nine) 4,50 91-100 10 (ten) 5,00 PASSED SUBJECT MICROBIOLOGY, REPRESENTS THE SUM of PARTS OF: PRE-EXAM ACTIVITIES (COLLOQUIUMS AND STUDENT ACTIVITIES) PRACTICAL EXAM AND TEST. MICROBIOLOGY PASSED IF A STUDENT WINS A MINIMUM 5.10 (GRADE 6 SIX) GRADE SCALE 5,10-6,09 6 (six) 6,10-7,09 7 (seven) 7,10–8,09 8 (eigh) 8,10-9,09 9 (nine) 9,10-10,00 10 (ten)
Laboratory safety rules Use wardrobe for jackets coats and bags Lab coats are required No open toe shoes No electronic devices No food and drink Clean up your lab area at the conclusion of lab work Wash hands before leave In case of accident report to supervisor Tie back long hair
Literature Medical Microbiology, 8th Edition, by Dr. Patrick R. Murray, Dr. Ken S. Rosenthal, and Dr. Michael A. Pfaller. Elsevier . Copyright © 2016 Microbiology Workbook, Librimedicorum, English Ed., Academic Year 2017-18, Belgrade Presentations from Web Site Faculty of Medicine University of Belgrade Study in English II Academic Year Course Material Microbiology
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