Ines Gonzalez-Ansaldi DOLPHINS Ines Gonzalez-Ansaldi
INTRODUCTION My presentation is going to be about dolphins. Dolphins are really smart. In my presentation you will learn about dolphin noises, dolphins habitat, and dolphins diet. I chose my topic to be about dolphins because I really like dolphins. I hope you enjoy my presentation and I hope you learn a lot.
NOISES Dolphins communicate by making noises. Some of those noises are clicks and whistles.
HABITAT Dolphins are found in bodies of water around the world. They are found in all of the oceans, and they are a common attraction for people to come see.
DIET Dolphins are active predators. They eat a wide variety of fish, squids, and crustaceans such as shrimp.
CONCLUSION I already knew a lot about dolphins because my sister is obsessed with dolphins. Like I already knew their habitat. But I did not know what they ate. I learned a lot and I hope you did too.