Objective vs Subjective M3 OSCE
OSCE Objective Structured Clinical Examination
Written Tests: What do you know? Shelf exams Step exams
OSCE: What can you do with what you know? Knowledge Reasoning Communication Technical Skills
Our M3 OSCE 2 hours 8 clinical stations Educational Inspirational Evaluative
Chicken Wing Suturing Close a laceration 3 interrupted sutures Two-handed surgeon’s knot
Objective Grading
Subjective Grading
Which is better? Some studies say Subjective is better Some studies say Subjective is the same What does “better” mean? Fairness? Consistency? Predictive of Written Test Scores? Predictive of “better” doctors?
Does the Objective Matter?
Types of Stations
12 Month Review
1st vs 2nd Six Months
Subjective Scored Higher, particularly in the 1st half of the year
Unresolved Issues Are we measuring different things? Different faculty grade differently Validation of checklists Which is more reliable? Subjective vs Objective is complicated