INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT Prepared by: Prof Ayza. Valdez
MANAGEMENT Is the process of reaching organizational goals by working with and through people and other organizational resources
A person responsible for the work performance of group members
RESOURCES USED BY MANAGERS Human Resources Financial Resources Physical Resources Information resources
TYPES OF MANAGERS Functional and General Managers Administrators Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners Team Leaders
FIVE KEY MANAGERIAL SKILL Technical Skills- involves an understanding of and proficiency in a specific activity that involves methods, processes, procedures and techniques.
Interpersonal Skill- managers ability to work effectively as a team member and to build cooperative effort in the unit
Conceptual Skill- the ability to see the organization as a total entity Diagnostic Skill- managers are frequently called on to investigate a problem and then to decide on and implement a remedy
Political Skill- ability to obtain power and prevent others from taking it away
CLASSICAL APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT Scientific Management- The application of scientific methods to increase individual workers productivity.
Administrative Management- the use of management principles in the structuring and managing of an organization
Behavioral Approach to Management - emphasizes improving management through an understanding of the psychological makeup of people
Hawthorne effect- the phenomenon in which people behave differently in response to perceived attention from evaluators
Quantitative approach- a perspective on management that emphasizes use of a group methods in managerial decision making.
Contingency Approach- emphasizes that no single way to manage people or work is best in every situation. It encourages managers to study individual and situational differences.
REFERENCES: FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT Andrew J. Dubrin Philippine reprint, Cengage Learning Asia, 2013 MANAGEMENT Current Practices and New Directions Bruno Dyck Mitchell J. Neubert