Ethical Dilemma Mission 001 mission possible! Ethical Dilemma Mission 001 Where will you be standing at the end???
Who decides what is ethical??? Your mission is to review, analyze, and contemplate the following websites dealing with ethics. At the end of this mission you will develop your own personal code of ethics. Throughout the mission you will be responsible for collecting clues and completing mini missions that will help you come to develop your own personal code of ethics. Good luck!!!
Mini Mission 001a For your mini mission 001a you are to visit the following site to gather clues. This site will have Twelve Questions to Address Ethical Dilemmas. You are to find these twelve questions and pick from them the six most important questions you should ask yourself when faced with an ethical dilemma. You may change wording or adapt any of the questions however you would like. You will be using these six questions to complete a mini mission so make sure you are picking the best of the best. You will not have time to go back and re-pick your six questions so think critically while choosing and choose wisely.
My six Questions to Address Ethical Dilemmas Below list the six questions you will be asking yourself when faced with an ethical dilemma.
Ethical Dilemmas 001a You are to open the Ethical Case Studies Power Point and answer all of the question. Keep track of your points. Good luck and remember to ask yourself the six Questions to Address Ethical Dilemmas before answering each question.
Mini Mission 001b Do you feel significant pressure to succeed or achieve no matter the cost? For your mini mission 001b you are to visit the following site to gather more clues to help you on your quest to develop your own code of ethics. This site has an article that discusses a recent survey where,” Teens reported, by a stunning margin (81%) that they felt significant pressure to succeed or achieve no matter the cost.” You are to read the article and decide for yourself where you fall in the survey. Think of a time when you had a lot of things being asked of you and not enough time to complete everything. What did you do in your specific instance? Did you compromise ethics? Write a paragraph describing your situation and what you did.
What I Did In My Ethical Dilemma… Below write a paragraph describing your situation and what you did. What did you do in your specific instance? Did you compromise your ethics? (5 sentences)
Mini Mission 001c For your mini mission 001c you are to visit the following site to gather more clues to help you on your quest to develop your own code of ethics. This site discusses coping music and weather or not it is ethical in certain situations. You are to read over the site and evaluate what you think is ethical in the women’s situations.
To Copy or Not to Copy, That is The Question… Below explain what you would do in this women’s situation? (3 sentences)
Mini Mission 001d For your mini mission 001d you are to visit the following site to gather more clues to help you on your quest to develop your own code of ethics. This site has tips for making ethical decisions. You are to use those tips to rank the ethical dilemmas on the next slide.
What’s Worse? Rank the order of the following ethical issues from least offensive (1) to most offensive (10) _____You misrepresent a child’s age to get a discount at the movie theater. _____You pay for one newspaper and take two. _____You take silverware or salt & pepper shakers from a restaurant. _____You cut in line. _____You speed on campus. _____You park in 20-minute parking all day because you can’t find a space. _____You sneak Twizzlers & soda into a movie theater. _____You copy the answers to the quiz from off your neighbor because you forgot to study. _____You say you are 11 years old instead of 12 so you can order from the kids menu at a restaurant. _____You miss the tag at home plate but the umpire calls the runner out.
Final Mission 001 Your final mission is to develop your own personal code of ethics. You are to describe your personal code of ethics in a pamphlet that you will design. Click below to see the rubric which describes how you will be graded for your final mission. Congratulations on getting this far and good luck with the final mission!!! Code of ethics Rubric