Name one true thing which you know about William Shakespeare.
[Shakespeare Intro Video]
Did you know that… According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Shakespeare coined more than 500 new words, many of which are still commonly used in English speech. Popular Will-isms include: amazement, bump, lonely, countless, useful, radiance and lackluster. Shakespeare has been translated into at least 80 languages, including Chinese, Bengali, Tagalog, Uzbek, and Klingon. "Shakespeare" is spelled 80 different ways in documents dating from the Bard's time, including "Shaxpere" and "Shaxberd."
William Shakespeare Born in Stratford-upon-Avon ~April 23, 1564 Married Anne Hathaway when she was already pregnant Wrote 37 plays in less than 20 years Wrote in Modern English Beowulf = Old English Canterbury Tales = Middle English Shakespeare = Modern English
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