Official Apology By: Kiersten and Bella
What is the Official Apology The official apology was a statement that Stephen Harper made to the Aboriginals about how poorly the Residential School system treated their children. The apology was made on June 11th, 2008 at 3:00pm on a Wednesday. Stephen Harper made the apology in Ottawa, Ontario.
What is the Official Apology The official apology was a statement that Stephen Harper made to the Aboriginals about how poorly the Residential School system treated their children. The apology was made on June 11th, 2008 at 3:00pm on a Wednesday. Stephen Harper made the apology in Ottawa, Ontario.
Residential Schools Students were forced to speak English or French, if they spoke their native language they were punished. Residential Schools where made for aboriginal children to “beat the Indian out of them”. They were run by the government of Canada, along with the Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, United and Presbyterian churches. Residential Schools separated about 150,000 Aboriginal children from there families and communities. The schools were so poorly run that students would either get sick or try to run away. Many students died, They were located in ever province and territory but not Newfoundland, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island.
What the children are like today Now we are going to show you a video based on two adult that went to one of Residential Schools.
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