Higher Education Assurance Team (HEAT) ARC Home Office Practitioners Group Presented by: Derek Knight Date: 7th March, 2014
This presentation covers: Activity July 2013 – February 2014. Audit outcomes. Business plan April 2014 – September 2014.
But first: That was then this is now. A quick recap. I was at this event this time last year. HEAT was then an idea but now a reality. Who are we and where do we fit in the Sponsorship organisation?
The real HEAT people.
What have HEAT been doing? July 2013 – February 2014. 19 Orientation/training visits 10 Full compliance audits (at 16 locations) 3 Action Plan audits 4 Meetings to give compliance advice c.300 emails/calls dealing with your enquiries 6 Co-regulation meetings
Audits. General trends and themes. How non-compliance has been collaboratively managed.
Business Plan April 2014 – Sept 2014 In-licence, routine audit timetable. T4 Workshops.
Specifics. 1. The audit process. This is detailed in a document which has been signed off by the Co-regulation working group and distributed to all HEIs. If you would like a copy please email: highereducationassuranceteam@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk
Specifics. 2. Procedures to be followed if HEAT have (a) minor and (b) significant concerns following an audit. This is detailed in a document which has been signed off by the Co-regulation working group and distributed to all HEIs. If you would like a copy please email: highereducationassuranceteam@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk
Specifics. 3. Format of the final report to the institution. Still under review by the Co-regulation working group. Currently a narrative report covering each tier audited.
Any questions? Highereducationassuranceteam@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk Derek.knight@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk