Rong Chen Boston University Protein Docking Rong Chen Boston University
The Lowest Binding Free Energy DG water L R L R R L R L L R
Protein Docking Using FFT Fast Fourier Transform Complex Conjugate Discretize Correlation function Fast Fourier Transform L L Rotate L Discretize Surface Interior
Rotational Sampling Sampling Interval Number of angles 20° 1,800 15° Evenly distributed Euler angles Sampling Interval Number of angles 20° 1,800 15° 3,600 12° 9,000 10° 14,400 8° 27,000 6° 54,000 4° 180,000
Performance Evaluation Success Rate: given the number of predictions(Np), success rate is the percentage of complexes in the benchmark for which at least one hit has been obtained. Hit Count: the average number of hits over all complexes at a particular Np.
Rotational Sampling Density
Rotational Sampling Density
Protein Docking Using FFT Fast Fourier Transform Complex Conjugate Discretize Correlation function Fast Fourier Transform L L Rotate L Discretize Surface Interior
Protein Docking Using FFT Increase the speed by 107 Y Translation Correlation X Translation L R IFFT Surface Interior Binding Site
An Effective Binding Free Energy Function van der Waals energy; Shape complementarity Desolvation energy; Hydrophobicity Electrostatic interaction energy Translational, rotational and vibrational free energy changes Number of atom pairs of type i Desolvation energy for an atom pair of type i
Grid-based Shape Complementarity 1 RGSC LGSC
Pairwise Shape Complementarity 2 3 5 1 RPSC LPSC
PSC vs. GSC on Success Rate
PSC vs. GSC on Hit Count
Why PSC works better than GSC?
Why PSC works better than GSC? D
A Receptor-Ligand Complex
An Effective Binding Free Energy Function van der Waals energy; Shape complementarity Desolvation energy; Hydrophobicity Electrostatic interaction energy Translational, rotational and vibrational free energy changes Number of atom pairs of type i-j Desolvation energy for an atom pair of type i-j
Impact of Desolvation and Electrostatics
Impact of Desolvation and Electrostatics
Other available Docking Software Fast Fourier Transform or FFT (Katchalski-Katzir, Sternberg, Vakser, Ten Eyck groups) Computer vision based method (Nussinov group, 1999) Boolean operations (Palma et al., 2000) Polar Fourier correlations (Ritchie & Kemp, 2000) Genetic algorithm (Gardiner, Burnett groups) Flexible docking (Abagyan, 2002)
3D-Dock Michael J.E. Sternberg, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London, UK. FTDock: Grid-based shape complementarity, FFT. RPScore: empirical pair potential. MultiDock: refinement.
GRAMM Ilya A. Vakser, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Geometric fit and hydrophobicity FFT Low resolution docking
DOT Lynn F. Ten Eyck, University of California, San Diego. Grid-based shape complemetarity, elctrostatics FFT
ICM Ruben Abagyan, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla. Pseudo-Brownian rigid-body docking Biased Probability Monte Carlo Minimization of the ligand interacting side-chains.
HEX Dave Ritchie, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK spherical polar Fourier correlations
Approach Overview PDB1 PDB2 PDB Processing Biological information ZDOCK: Initial-stage Docking Biological information RDOCK: Refinement-stage Docking Clustering Final 10 predictions
Example: CAPRI Target 6: α-amylase / Camelid VHH domain