Seder Moed (Appointed Time)
Sun darkenned
Biblical Blood Moon Tetrad during 2014-2015. There were 3 total lunar eclipses before and there will be another 3 thereafter. There were also 4 partial solar eclipses before and there will be another 4 thereafter.
Yom Kippur 2015 Blood Moon
The Festivals in the Old Testament Passover (Leviticus 23:5) Days of Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:6) Pentecost (Leviticus 23:15-21) Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23:24-25) Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:27-32) Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:34-35) 8th Day, Last Great Day (Leviticus 23:36)
The First festival group:Pesach The feasts of Passover (Pesach), The feasts of Unleavened Bread (Hag HaMatzah), The feasts of First Fruits (Bikkurim) These falls in the month of Nisan, which is the first month of religious calendar in the spring of the year. Leviticus 23:4-14
The second festival : The Feast of the Weeks The Feast of Weeks (Shavuot), or Pentecost, is a week long festival observed in the third religious month of Sivan.
The third festival group: The Feast of the Tabernacles. The Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah), The feasts of Atonement (Yom Kippur), and The feasts of Tabernacles (Sukkot) These fall in the seventh month of Tishrei, which is in the fall of the year (Exodus 23:14-17; 34:22-23: Deuteronomy 16:16-17).
PERFECTNESS OF 3 AS 7 Seven again is the total possible ways of interaction between three persons including self interaction. 3 + 3+1 = 7
Why Seven? 6 3 Seven is the number of completeness and perfection both independent paired and communal 7
Should Christians Celebrate Festivals? Christ fulfilled the Holy Days. The New Covenant has no requirement for Christians to observe the Holy Days. The Council at Jerusalem in 49 A.D. (Acts 15) does away with the Holy Days. There is no direct command to observe the Holy Days in the New Testament. Paul’s writings, in particular Colossians 2:16; Romans 14:5-6; and Galatians 4:10.
Five dimensional significance of Festivals prophetic indicating a future complete fulfillment. Jesus the Redeemer Agricultural symbolism of the fulfillment of prophecy. A memorial for historical events Theosis Process: Progressive Sanctification Five dimensional significance of Festivals
The Festivals and the Plan of Salvation… The festivals provide a chronological reference to God’s plan of salvation. It is “God’s Holy Day Plan", Plan for the Redemption of Mankind and return to Sonship. This is the story of "Paradise Regained" Matthew 6:33