Key messages from workshops EUROCITIES Social Affairs Forum Key messages from workshops Gothenburg 25-26 October 2017 @EUROCITIEStweet #SAFcities #SocialEurope #SocialRights #SocialPillar
Key messages from workshops W1 - Equal access to quality and inclusive education Rapporteur: Marie Svensson and Matthias Marschall W2 - Active support to employment Rapporteur: Andreas Schönström W3 - Equal access to work-life balance provisions Rapporteur: Ricarda Götz W4 - Access to housing assistance Rapporteur: Susanne Bauer W5 – Equal access to essential services Rapporteur: Ragnhild Ekelund @EUROCITIEStweet #SAFcities #SocialEurope #SocialRights #SocialPillar
W1 - Equal access to quality and inclusive education Cities are the best places to reach out to the people who need education and up-skilling (using special programmes) Importance of an early, long term vision and investments in education Cities can contribute to an efficient, transparent monitoring and evaluation to better respond to needs Need for holistic, integrated and inclusive approach to tackle inequalities @EUROCITIEStweet #SAFcities #SocialEurope #SocialRights #SocialPillar
W2 – Active support to employment Cities proposals for improved active support to employment: EU, national governments, Public Employment Services and cities need to cooperate together and share responsibilities Tailorised and innovative services are needed. Coordinating employment and social services plus education and training is key. Life long learning, VET and adult education for improving employability Cooperation with private sector and companies (in job training, skills mapping, jobs opportunities) @EUROCITIEStweet #SAFcities #SocialEurope #SocialRights #SocialPillar
W3 - Equal access to work-life balance provisions Cities acknowledge the need for affordable and diverse childcare services, especially before enrolling in formal education, during education and in summer holidays Cities need increased funding for care services and training for a more diverse work force Cities call for an improvement in the cooperation between local and national authorities for the strategic development and funding of care services Cities recognise the need for legislation regarding work-life balance @EUROCITIEStweet #SAFcities #SocialEurope #SocialRights #SocialPillar
W4 - Access to housing assistance Cities recognise growing pressure on social services and social/affordable housing providers in light of post-crisis legacy Cities acknowledge housing assistance is needed not only for the most vulnerable persons (e.g. homeless, disable persons) but also for low income groups Cities aspire to cooperate better with social services providers and public housing companies as they safeguard access to essential services and housing supply at local level Cities call for decision-makers to consider housing spending as an investment in European economic frameworks (Stability and Growth Pact); and to remove definition of social housing from the State Aid package Cities demand greater political support for construction of affordable housing and the ideas of social mix @EUROCITIEStweet #SAFcities #SocialEurope #SocialRights #SocialPillar
W5 – Equal access to essential services Cities need to work in partnership with NGOs and businesses to provide essential services for all Cities should adopt a family approach to provide essential services in line with the needs of both children and parents Target groups should be empowered to work with the city, not only work for the city All people should have access to essential services and this should be high on the political agenda of all cities and countries Social workers as well as city politicians should be empowered to better reach out to target groups @EUROCITIEStweet #SAFcities #SocialEurope #SocialRights #SocialPillar