of Land and Natural Resource Conflict Welcome Presenter: Ed Salt Treasure, Turf and Turmoil: The Dirty Dynamics of Land and Natural Resource Conflict February 2011 This is the slide that will be shown as participants enter the room. Facilitator will introduce self and offer very brief words of welcome. Is there a possibility that there will be an “official” welcome from someone at the mission???
Mission or Office where you work Introductions Name Mission or Office where you work Given the time we have available, participants will be asked to take no more than a minute to introduce themselves in turn. Expectations will be noted on flip chart. Presumably the detailed information about professional experience and job responsibilities which each participant shared in the pre-work will be available for all to review. Following the participant introductions, presenters, other resource people and any observers will be asked to introduce themselves.
Course objectives In this course, participants will: 1. Understand critical connections among ENRM/biodiversity, LTPR and conflict to better conceptualize, design and manage integrated programs. 2. Use these concepts in simulated assessments of complex conflict situations 3. Learn about adaptive management, conflict-sensitive monitoring and evaluation, and other tools that allow managers to review and adapt to changing conflict and NRM situations. Course objectives will be highlighted and appropriate connections made to the expectations that were shared during introductions
Module 1: Understanding Key Issues and Concepts Agenda Module 1: Understanding Key Issues and Concepts Module 2: Planning for Integrated Programs within USAID program cycles Module 3: Programming Concepts and Tools Agenda will be reviewed with reference to the three modules which make up the agenda. Start times, breaks and lunches, and end time on Tuesday will be highlighted
Working together during the course Participate fully and support the participation of others Be here Be mindful of time Others? These three norms provide an opportunity to highlight importance of listening and not taking more than your share of the discussion “space,” being present in the room and putting aside other work demands (along with phone calls, cell phones, etc), and recognizing that starting and stopping on time, recognizing the amount of material that we’re attempting to cover in the time available, etc.
Logistics To be developed based on the situation