Weekly ELA News Spelling List Units of Study Center Work Week of: September 25 – September 28 We made it! We finally finished out first FULL week of school! Now we can celebrate by having Friday off. You guys did a great job last week on the class activities. We will continue working on parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives) throughout the school year. Now we are beginning our unit over non-fiction text features and non-fiction text structures. This may sound like a lot, but you will see that most of these things you already know! We will complete an in-class project Monday through Thursday and have our spelling quiz on Thursday. Let’s talk about grades. A good rule of thumb is to take every assignment like it will be graded – ALWAYS try your very best. Two grades you can count on every week are your spelling quiz and P.A.W.. Both assignments will count for one daily grade each. Spelling List politely fierce briefcase sleigh lieutenant maneuver recruit biscuit gauge preserve Units of Study Non-Fiction Text Structures Non-Fiction Text Features Center Work Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives Alphabetizing This Week’s Grammar Topics: Nouns – Common vs. Proper What’s going on around campus? Wednesday – Open House 6:00 – 8:00 Friday – Fort Bend County Fair Day – NO SCHOOL