The Idea of the Dance: From Aristotle to Mallarme by Andre Levinson Prepared by Dr. Kay Picart Edited by Jessica Labbé and Dr. Kay Picart
Review Question: According to Levinson, what are the two elements of dance that seem eternally locked in competition/combat with each other?
Review Question: According to Aristotle, what is the purpose of dance?
Discussion Question: What problem results from Aristotle’s characterization of dance?
Review Question: Provide examples of various philosophers’ negative reactions to dance.
Review Question: Provide examples of how philosophers reacted positively to dance.
Review Question: What does the ballerina symbolize to Mallarme?
Discussion Questions: Do you agree that a dancer can be completely oblivious/“illiterate” to the deeper dimensions of dance? What are the gendered implications of Mallarme’s remark? Dancemakers of Toronto
Discussion Question: How useful is the implied analogy of dance to language? Walking the Walk by Kay Curtis
Okinawan Dance ~ Review Question: According to Levinson, how does dance interact with spirituality? Okinawan Dance ~
Review Question: How does Valery characterize dance?
Concluding Question: How effectively does Levinson resolve the struggle between the two elements of dance? (form versus expression) Argentinean Butoh Dance Sky and Heart Wedding