Mikael Hildén Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)


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Presentation transcript:

The Finnish national adaptation strategy, vulnerability and adaptation research activities  Mikael Hildén Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) Climate Change Programme

The National Adaptation Strategy (2005) Linked to the National Long Term Climate Strategy 2008, and adaptation recognized as an area of specific concern in the Government foresight report to the Parliament (2009) Main observations on climate change have been reported to the UNFCCC in the 5th national report (2010) http://tilastokeskus.fi/tup/khkinv/khkaasut_maaraporttitiedostot.html An evaluation of the strategy took place in 2009 noting that sector responses and research are under way (for example, a revised Act on Flood Risk entered into force 30.6. and includes provisions for risk assessment and also public participation).

Vulnerability R&D Climate change: a regional assessment of vulnerability and adaptive capacity for the Nordic countries (CARAVAN 2008-2010, Tim Carter) www.environment.fi/syke/caravan ‘Map-based assessment of vulnerability to climate change employing regional indicators' (MAVERIC, Academy of Finland, Tim Carter) www.environment.fi/syke/maveric Vulnerability of ecosystem services for climate change impacts and adaptation (VACCIA, Life +, Martin Forsius) www.environment.fi/syke/vaccia 2010: Scenarios to be synthetized & explored further (2010-2011)

Adaptation R&D The Climate Change Adaptation Research Programme ISTO -> 2010. Coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. http://www.mmm.fi/en/index/frontpage/ymparisto/ilmastopolitiikka/researchprogrammeonadaptationtoclimatechange.html Synthesis on adaptation research to be produced 2011. Adaptation research may be part of the Finnish Academy’s climate change programme (FICCA, decisions in autumn 2010) The Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (TEKES) recognises adaptation as an area of R&D. Various funding sources for specific projects at local/regional level. For example Julia 2030: Mitigation of and Adaptation to the Climate Change in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area - From Strategy to Implementation, 2009-2011 (Life +)

The Climate Guide Life+ project http://www.fmi.fi/research_climate/climate_9.html Joint project with the FMI (coordinator), SYKE, Aalto University + close interaction with partners from municipalities Climateguide.fi - one portal for diverse climate change information online in September 2011 (both mitigation and adaptation) climate change explained (extensive collection of 1-2 page articles); maps, graphs and data (from general to detailed); community response wizard (focus on municipal level).