Quality Assurance, Careers Services and the matrix standard Lucy Madahar Assistant Director of Student Services (BCU) AGCAS Director for Quality and Membership Introduce myself: my BCU role and AGCAS role My experience of matrix whilst at GP and now at BCU
Evaluating matrix: its challenges and benefits AGCAS and matrix Evaluating matrix: its challenges and benefits Other quality standards/tools How you use matrix in your service These are the 4 key areas we are looking at this afternoon Explain history of AGCAS and matrix – chosen quality standard, criteria for service membership; review of QS in 2010 Before looking at matrix, think about why we have quality standards of any sort: group to brainstorm, facilitator to record on flipchart
Why do we need quality standards? Commitment Box ticking exercise Membership requirement Service driver – continuous improvement Improve teamwork Real and profound change For the badge External benchmark which addresses stakeholder expectations and needs Compare recorded flipchart with the slide Before moving to next slide – enquire who has heard of matrix? What do they think it is?
What is Matrix? Quality framework for the effective delivery of information, advice and guidance (IAG) on learning and work Introduce matrix
What’s it all about? How you provide IAG to people & how they receive and experience what you provide How you plan, organise, support and improve these activities
What does it cover? The four elements relating to delivery are: People are made aware of the service and how to engage with it People’s use of the service is defined and understood People are provided with access to information and support in using it People are supported in exploring options and making choices
What does it cover? The four elements relating to management are: Service delivery is planned and maintained Staff competence and support they are given are sufficient to deliver the service Feedback on the quality of the service is obtained Continuous quality improvement is ensured through monitoring, evaluation and action BUT … changes are afoot …
Changes to matrix Review exercise completed Simplification of the standard – fewer criteria and greater emphasis on outcomes Awaiting sign-off by Government Free workshops Inter-rim arrangements until 30th November Break into 2 groups and ask groups to think about what are the key challenges/weakensses of matrix and what are the key benefits/strengths of matrix and record these Groups to report back
Challenges of matrix Addressing areas of non-compliance Buy-in Gaining momentum and making the early decisions Project management Embedding matrix into the workplace Buy-in Evidence collecting Relying on non-participating parties Can feel repetitive at times Time consuming & requires commitment Understanding the “scope” of criteria Respond to group flipcharts
Benefits of matrix Project which unifies teams/employees Motivates and engages staff members Meaningful process – forces you to know your service inside out Driver for continuous improvement Independent validation of achievement in IAG Opportunity to develop better internal processes & deliver more effective services Respond to group flipcharts What other quality models are there – ask for feedback ideas and record onto flipchart
Other quality models QAA (code of practice on CEIAG) Investors in People Customer First Customer Service Excellence Peer review Register of Practitioners HEI benchmarking Show examples of standards Ask group what they all have in common? But what do they all have in common …
Service Improvement Journey: CQI Plan & Design Implement Evaluate & Review Assess & re-assess Quality assurance is not static – it’s a journey of service improvement following a circle of continuous activity
What are you doing? How are you using matrix in your careers services? Where is your CQI plan? When was the last time you looked at your CQI plan? When is your next matrix assessment due? What actions are you going to take when you return to the office? So over to you one more time – are you able to answer these questions Divide into 2 groups again and each group to record their responses and then feedback
Lucy Madahar lucy.madahar@bcu.ac.uk 0121 331 5273 Thank you Lucy Madahar lucy.madahar@bcu.ac.uk 0121 331 5273 Introduce myself: my BCU role and AGCAS role My experience of matrix whilst at GP and now at BCU