Where Creativity Meets Innovation
SciFest is a national initiative . . . encouraging a love of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) . . . through active, collaborative, inquiry-based learning . . . run in partnership with second-level schools, institutes of technology, DCU, St Mary’s College, industry and government . . .
SciFest is different SciFest has very strong credibility among practising teachers Accessible Inclusive Open To All Local Free To Enter National Regional International
Mission Statement Every second level student has an opportunity to participate in a science fair, irrespective of their ability, background or circumstances, empowering them to lead a fulfilling personal life as a citizen in an increasingly technological society while contributing to the creation of a strong 21st century Ireland
SciFest – Major Milestones Local SciFest@School National SciFest Final Founded by Sheila Porter 1 science fair 170 students 2008 2006 2011 Regional SciFest launched nationwide SciFest@College 88 science fairs 10 000+ students 625 Teachers 298 Schools International Affiliated to Intel ISEF in the USA 2017 2013 2012 Set up as not-for-profit company with charitable status International Affiliated to INESPO in the Netherlands 2014
The SciFest Model SciFest Ltd Not-for-profit company with charitable status Board representative of education, government and industry Executive Partners and Sponsors Third-level colleges and Second-level schools SciFest@College National Final SciFest@School International
The growth of SciFest 2008 – 2017 Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total Students 1612 1980 2649 3275 4059 5368 6059 7202 8084 10,136 50,424 Projects 680 836 1097 1364 1754 2262 2594 3060 3519 4,412 21,578
SciFest T: (+353) 1 298 8312 M: (+353) 86 379 6143 E: info@scifest.ie W: www.scifest.ie is supported by The Institutes of Technology, DCU and St Mary’s College, Derry
For more information www.scifest.ie Thank You