SGO Tiering 2016-2017
What has your SGO been in the past? Test? MAP? Essay?
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Log Into Genesis You can use Genesis to create your class lists in an Excel sheet and then copy and paste it over. You can also do this for your gradebook and specific assessments as well.
Baseline Data Grades K-9 MUST use MAP scores from Spring of last year and MAY use scores from Fall of 2016 if available PHS/PJHS can retrieve this information from Mrs. Gentile Final grades from 2015-2016 in subject area Tests Essays Markers of Future Success
The information you put here will automatically go there
Don’t do twice the work! If you are using information that you have already put into Genesis, USE IT!
There will be grades here, you can simply, HIGHLIGHT ASSESSMENTS, RIGHT CLICK, COPY
How many tiers? It is suggested that only THREE tiers are used at most-High (3), Middle (2), Low (1)
The information you put here will automatically go there CHANGE THIS TO 3
It tiers the students for you! It tiers the students for you! FIRST Click Here
You will fill out the Target Score on SGO, Highest Score, and Target Percent. EVERYONE’S TARGET PERCENT IS 70% You can override the tier!
Filling out the SGO Form All of the information you filled out in this template, will transfer to your SGO form. You will then only have to fill out what your SGO is. Click on the last tab that says SGO FORM
Rationale Rationale: The following Common Core State Standards have been selected as critical areas for an English II course because they are identified as prerequisite anchor skills for future coursework in English III and IV and other courses moving forward. Additionally, these skills have relevance and applications that are essential for success in college and career readiness in all fields.
Student Growth Objective 70% of students in each group, as shown in the table below, will meet the target score on an Argumentative Essay by April. 70% of students in each group, as shown in the table below, will meet the target score on their Third Quarterly Assessment.
PRINT AND DONE- or not?! You are able to go back to this form and change your SGO Prior to the February deadline! You are able to adjust your target score throughout the year, prior to February.
Simply insert the students’ scores! Scores Are In! And your results are calculated for you! Simply insert the students’ scores!