Stage 3 Parent Information Session
Stage 3 Mrs Kerry Walker - Stage 3 Assistant Principal
General Information Formal interview at report time (end T2) Speaking to teachers: Please make an appointment (send a note in the diary- add contact numbers) Times depend on teacher commitments Morning appointments before 8.45am Afternoon appointments after 3pm Phone calls
General Information Absences: Late arrival or early departure: Note explaining absence on return to school Late arrival or early departure: Report to office for a slip before going to classroom, give note to class teacher. Overseas visits: Prior to trip Fill out forms to gain approval from Mr Walker, include copy of tickets and dates away Inform class teacher
General Information Book Packages Student requirements All students are required to purchase the Package- $70.00 Payment by CASH or EFTPOS at the office Student requirements Pencil case with requirements Replenish regularly
Year 5 Year 6 Stage 3 NAPLAN Sit the Selective High School Test Selective High School Applications Year 6 High School Applications Sit the Selective High School Test
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar 40 minutes YEAR 5- NAPLAN DATES Tuesday 9 May 2017 Wednesday 10 May 2017 Thursday 11 May 2017 Friday 12 May 2017 Language conventions Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar 40 minutes Writing Writing Task 40 minutes Reading 50 minutes Numeracy Number & Algebra Measurement & Geometry Statistics & Probability One numeracy test No calculators 50 minutes Catch Up Day
Year 6 Selective High School, Y7 2018 Aimed at Gifted and Talented students SCHOOL- Math 50%, English 50% TEST- Math 50%, English 50%, General Ability 100% TOTAL- mark out of 300 Assessment Score- average score of school assessments Ranking- placing in grade (approx. 120 Ss Y6 2017) Selective High School Score 1. we apply a calculation to the Assessment Score 2. the Unit applies a standard deviation across all applicants sitting the SHS Placement Test
Year 7, 2018 selective schools Dates 2017 Year 7, 2018 selective schools 12 Jan Authority to attend letter sent to applicants enrolling at the school in 2017 23 Feb Test authority letter sent to applicants for entry in 2018 9 Mar Selective High School Placement Test held for entry in 2018 24 Mar Requests for consideration of Illness/ misadventure submitted by applicants for entry in 2018 28 April Change of school choice closes for entry in 2018 May-June Reserve lists close for entry in 2017 Early July Placement outcome advice sent for entry in 2018 24 July Appeals due to primary school principals for entry in 2018 10 Oct Application for entry in 2019 opens online 13 Nov Application for entry in 2019 closes 17 Nov Outcome of appeals sent for entry in 2018 19 Dec Applicants for 2018 entry with offers are removed from reserve lists unless the offer is declined 12 Jan ‘18 Authority to attend letter sent to applicants enrolling at the school in 2018
High School Dates HS forms close date and Return to school by High School expression of interest forms sent home Thursday 9th March HS forms close date and Return to school by Friday 17th March Advice notices released Process is followed May - August
Designated Local Government School FRONT PAGE Is based on your current address School completes ONLY DO NOT CHANGE Only sign if you do want to attend the designated school
Choose 3 schools in order, sign and date
Define your reasons Call schools to find out whether they are accepting out of area Eg Greystanes HS
BYODevice Security Class use No device Friday prior to school responsibility Best Protective case Apps Contracts- T1 transition, T2 implement
Data evaluated twice per term and classes adjusted accordingly Math Groups Classes- graded flexible fluid - based on student’s need Data evaluated twice per term and classes adjusted accordingly Stage 3 math syllabus taught across all classes
Assessment Procedures Assessments- generic across whole stage English and Math Y4 Term 4, English and Math Y5 T1,2,3 English and Math – week 2&9 Y5 T4 only one assessment- week 2 Writing twice in Terms 2 and 3 Class assessments differ from class to class
Excursions School Camp Term 3 Narrabeen Sport and Recreation September- dates to be confirmed Year 6 ONLY- 100 spaces
How can I help my child? Read, read, read- variety of texts READ aloud to your child until 14 years old Comprehension (inferential comprehension) Writing- structure, vocabulary,punctuation Problem solving in mathematics (multi step problems)
HSIE- History and Geography Science and Technology Stage 3 Mathematics English HSIE- History and Geography Science and Technology Creative Arts PDHPE STEM
What is STEM? Mathematics Engineering Science Technology
STEM skills: Collaboration Communication Research Problem Solving Creativity Critical Thinking Problem Solving Research Communication Collaboration
Making connections between S-T-E-M Integrating large complex problems and solutions in real life Opportunities to make the world a better place Learning deeply Coding and Robotics Attracts girls to challenge themselves, challenge methods and challenge stereotypes
Thank you for your attendance If you have any further questions- Send a note to the classroom teacher or myself Add some details of your concerns. Include contact name and phone number Child’s name, surname and class Thank you for your attendance