Anxiety and Depression in Young People Research Advisors Group | AnDY RAG Coming to the group enables you to make a difference to the research we do, and so helps other young people who are experiencing anxiety and depression. The AnDY - RAG is a group of young people and their parents/carers with personal experience of anxiety or depression or who have cared for someone who has. The group is led by Cathy Creswell and Polly Waite. There will always be something to eat and drink and we will pay your travel expenses for coming to meetings. For some projects you will receive payment for your time. You get to meet people who have been through similar things to you. The activities can involve anything from Brainstorming ideas to be researched. Advising researchers on how to make written material more appealing and understandable for young people. Helping to present the findings of studies to patient groups in a way that makes sense to them. We normally start with an ‘ice-breaker’ game. Something easy and fun which will help us to get to know each other. We usually meet within the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences at the University of Reading. Meetings are usually for 1.5 hours outside of school (weekends or early evening). If you have any questions that you would like to ask before coming along to the group please telephone the university on 0118 378 6798 or email