Andy Barclay SW Outdoor Education Advisers Panel SW Mountain/Moorland Leader Training Group Ten Tors Policy Committee providing advice and guidance from the employer/deployer perspective
Things have changed but some feel ‘elf and safety’ concerns have got out of hand 2
…this is where we have been heading recently… …this is where we have been heading recently…. as demonstrated by the ‘Walkadile’ – sold as a way to keep your young people under control..rather than teaching them how to keep themselves safe. Note the facial expressions – doesn’t look like an educational or enjoyable experience for adults or children. Many feel that there is a happy medium between these 2 extremes and the balance needs to be re-dressed. 3
What's the point of school? “Along with history and maths, teaching character and resilience should be an essential part of every school's ambition.” “All too often the development of attributes associated with character and resilience - that is, the development of the pupil as a rounded individual - are neglected or, at best, given second billing.” All Party Parliamentary Group Report Feb 2014
Increased motivation & appetite for learning Activity skills Increased motivation & appetite for learning Skills for life Personal qualities Confidence & character Broadened horizons Social & emotional awareness Health and wellbeing Environmental awareness High Quality Outdoor Education – learning outcomes
Taken from Daily Mail article
Comfort Zone Panic Zone Stretch Zone P A F-A M-A P = Play A = Adventure F-A = Frontier Adventure M-A = Mis-Adventure M-A
Are we preparing children for a life of tests or the tests of life? Professor Guy Claxton
Team Manager Responsibilities TM is acting on behalf of employer/deployer (e.g. LA, MoD, District Commissioner, governors) Must follow your organisation's guidance Must have suitably qualified and competent leaders in place in order to fulfil your duty of care
Regional & National Qualifications Updated details on TT website based on advice from SWOEAP and AALA, and accepted as best practice by HQ SW SW regional scheme continues to operate MT now offers Lowland Leader, Hill & Moorland Leader and Expedition Skills Module
”For the stone from the top for geologists, the knowledge of the limits of endurance for the doctors, but above all for the spirit of adventure to keep alive the soul of man.” George Mallory