abase (vt) Parts: a (from, away) bas (low) Educated guess: embarrass Definition: Literally, to lower or depress, to throw or cast down Synonyms: debase, degrade, disgrace, humiliate Antonyms: elevate, respect, praise Variant forms: abasement (n.)
amplify (v.) Ampl (large) fy ( make, do) To enlarge, increase, exaggerate Synonyms: expand, develop Antonyms: confine, restrict, limit
au contraire Contra (against) A French expression meaning “to the contrary” or “the opposite”
celerity (n.) Celer (swift) ity (state of) Rapidity of motion; swiftness, speed Synonyms: quickness, fleetness Antonyms: slowness, delay
conjecture (n.) Con (together, with) ject (throw) ure (act, process) A putting together, a guess Synonyms: theory, inference Antonyms: proof, fact
debonair (adj.) De (from) bon (good) aire (disposition) Characterized by courtesy or charm Synonyms: gracious, refined Antonyms: rude, disrespectful
Disconsolate (adj.) Dis (apart, away) con (together) solari (comfort) Without comfort Synonyms: hopeless, dejected Antonyms: delightful, merry
Enamor (v.) En (inside, within) amor (love) To fill with love and desire Synonyms: charm, captivate Antonyms: repulse, bore
Expurgate (v.) Ex (out) purg (cleanse, purify) ate (make,cause) To remove anything considered obscene or otherwise objectionable. Synonyms: purge, cleanse Antonyms: n/a
Impasse (n.) Im (not) passer (to pass) A blind alley or a difficult situation with no solution or escape. Synonyms: standstill, deadlock Antonyms: agreement, accord
Ineffable (adj.) In (not) ef (out) fab (talk, speak) Beyond expression. Synonyms: indescribable, inexpressible Antonyms: describable, expressible
Intractable (adj) In (not) tract (pull) able (capable) Difficult to manage Synonyms: unmanageable, unruly Antonyms: yielding, deferential
Malodorous (adj.) Mal (bad) odor (smell) ous (full of) Having a bad smell Synonyms: reeking, fetid Antonyms: fragrant, aromatic
Nom de plum (n.) Nom (name) de (from) plum (feather) Of French origin meaning penname. Synonyms: pseudonym Antonyms: n/a
Perfunctory (adj.) Per (through) funct (make, do) ory (related to) Done or acting routinely and with little care or concern. Synonyms: apathetic, mechanical Antonyms: dedicated, enthusiastic
Potentate (n.) Potent (power) ate (that which) One who has the power and position to rule over others. Synonyms: sovereign, ruler Antonyms: subordinate, subject
Proliferate (v.) Prole (offspring) fer (carry, produce) ate (make, cause) To create or produce in rapid succession. Synonyms: escalate, multiply Antonyms: decrease, diminish
Reiterate (v.) Re (back, again) iterate (to do a second time) To say something again or a number of times, usually for emphasis or clarity. Synonyms: repeat, restate Antonyms: n/a
Satiate (v.) Satis (enough) ate (make, cause) To satisfy an appetite or desire fully Synonyms: sate, glut Antonyms: starve, deprive
Supersede (v.) Super (above, beyond) sed (go) To take the place of a person or thing previously in authority or use. Synonyms: displace, supplant Antonyms: n/a