What did we do this year??
Chapter 1 – Intro to Physical Science Study of matter and energy and the changes they undergo Measurement Metric system (SI) Basic units of mass, length, volume Water displacement method Density
Chapter 9 - Motion Frame of reference Speed and velocity are similar, velocity adds direction Acceleration is any change in velocity: speeding up, slowing down (deceleration), or changing direction Distance vs time graphs, speed vs time graphs, recognizing how an object is travelling
Chapter 10 - Forces SIR Isaac Newton: 3 laws of motion Inertia: objects don’t move unless you push them (or, moving objects keep moving unless you push them) F=ma: the harder you push something the faster it goes (or, lighter obejcts are easier to accelerate) Balanced force pairs, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction Unbalanced forces are what cause changes in motion (aka, net force) Forces can be combined to yield ONE single force
Chapter 11 – Forces in fluids Pressure is force applied to an area P=F/A 3 Principles: Archimedes: the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the water displaced Describes floating and sinking Pascal: pressure on a confined fluid is transmitted equally to all parts Describes hydraulics, inflated things Bernoulli: fast moving fluids create low pressure, pressure flows high to low Describes flight, smoke in chimney Buoyant force acts upward, against gravity Deeper you go in a fluid, the more pressure there is
Chapter 12a – Work and Power Work is done when you apply force to move a distance W=Fd Power is how fast work is done P=W/t Work is only done if the object moves Unit of work is Joules (equal to 1 Nm) Unit of power is Watts (equal to 1 Nm/s)
Chapter 12b – Simple Machines Mechanical advantage is how easy it is to use a machine, or how many times input force is multiplied (MA = Fo/Fi) Efficiency is how good a machine is at turning input work into output work (Eff = Wo/Wi *100%) Ideal mechanical advantage ignores friction, is measured with distances Actual mechanical advantage includes friction, is measured with forces 6 types of simple machines: lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, screw 1-2-3:F-R-E!
Chapter 13 - Energy 6 forms of energy: Mechanical, Chemical, Nuclear, Electric, Electromagnetic, Thermal Energy can be stored: Potential PE = w*h Energy can flow: Kinetic KE = ½ *m*v2 Law of conservation of energy Energy transformations
Chapter 14a – Thermal Energy Conduction, convection, radiation Rules of heat flow Conductors and insulators Qualities of a good absorber of energy (light can/dark can experiment)
Chapter 14b – Uses of Heat Heat engine cycles Combustion Home heating systems
Chapter 15 - Waves Transverse waves: particles move up and down as the wave moves forward Longitudinal waves: particles move back and forth as the wave moves forward Part of a wave: crest, trough, rest position, wavelength, compression, rarefaction Properties of a wave: speed, frequency, amplitude Speed = frequency * wavelength Reflection, refraction, diffraction
Chapter 16 & 17 – Sound and Light Sound is a mechanical wave Light is an electromagnetic wave Doppler Effect Normal range of hearing Visible light spectrum Other electromagnetic energies and their uses