Learning Map for Year 3 : Autumn 2015 Theme: Great Expectations Please encourage your child to read each day Transportation Dance - Movement of machines - Choreographing routines. Imagery Poetry - Exploring alliteration, similes, metaphors and personification Tag rugby Homework: English/ Maths Free Choice - Set on a Tuesday and handed in the following Monday Digital literacy and ICT Select, use and combine a variety of software and internet services to accomplish goals including collecting and presenting data. Information Texts and letters Looking at Victorian information, researching and creating our own. Transport poetry -Using onomatopoeia to link to sounds of Victorian transport PE English Computing Forces Exploring the effect of forces in the world around us DT Class 3 Great Expectations Science Taught in Spring 1 Barnado’s Boys -Exploring the work of Thomas Barnado -Learning to accept difference Magnets Investigating the effects and uses of magnets Christmas carols and performances Geography Music The Victorian British Empire. -”The sun never sets on the British empire” -Where in the world? The Four Number Operations -Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division PSHCE Art Maths William Morris pattern and style RE Data Handling -Collecting, presenting and analysing data Fractions -Recognising fractions of numbers and shapes -Adding fractions Pricing Inventions -Making a profit -Analysing costs -Keeping to budget Jesus’ Parables -Exploring the teachings of Jesus -Learning from his stories in our own lives History Victorian Art Exhibition Inventors and inventions -Changing lives -Thomas Edison -Stevenson -Alexander Graham Bell Christmas Journeys -Exploring the journeys of Biblical characters at Christmas -Linking to important journeys in our own lives Industrial Revolution -Exploring society’s changes -Learning about scientific and technological developments