DMSS Alignment Retention Coordinators African American Student Services Asian & Pacific Islander Student Services Latino/a Student Services Native American/Alaskan Native Student Services Diversity Scholarship Programs 3. One Year ahead presentation: 3-5 slides During the SALT work day you will be asked to make a very brief presentation that summarizes the three-to-five priorities on which you/your unit/alignment will focus in the coming year. Given the size of the group and the limited time, presentations must be strictly limited to no more than 5 minutes. Please prepare 3-5 power point slides for your presentation. Please forward your 3-5 slides to Jackie by end of day June 10 so they can be saved to our computer for use during the retreat.
Outreach Outreach to high schools and community colleges to build a sustainable pipeline to the university Continue reaching and building relationships with underserved students to mitigate the marginalization of low income, first-generation, and diverse student populations
Partnerships Build internal and external partnerships through intentional efforts with programming designed to promote collaborative learning, leadership development, and student self-advocacy
Student and Family Engagement Provide leadership development and professional networking opportunities for low income, first-generation, and diverse student populations Establish more opportunities to engage family participation