A New Strategy for Course Design: The Quality Course Framework Donna Harp Ziegenfuss, Ed.D. Visiting Associate Librarian, Education Services J. Willard Marriott Library donna.ziegenfuss@utah.edu 1705Z MLIB
At the end of this session, you will be able to: Define what is meant by a “backwards design” approach to course design Appreciate how what we defined as the Six Essential Elements of a Quality Course fit into the quality course design process Locate the University of Utah Course Quality Framework Tutorial for further information
David Dees Model
L. Dee Fink States: Instructors have 4 responsibilities to be a: Content Expert – Sharing of Expertise Communicator – Facilitator of discussion (student/student, student/teacher, student/content) Classroom Manager – setting classroom expectations Designer of the Learning Environments
Taxonomy of Learning Fink, 2003
Bloom’s Revised Model (1990) Fink’s Model 2003
Fink, 2003
Fink, 2003
Fink, 2003
U of U Quality Course Phases Instructors can enter the course design process at any phase : Design Phase Build Phase. Teach Phase Revise Phase
U of U Quality Course Elements Course and lesson outcomes A course organization structure Learning activities that en-gage students in learning Course content provided in media formats appropriate for the web A sense of learning community facilitated through specifically planned communication and student support Assessment, feedback and evaluation strategies that measure student learning outcomes and course quality
Pedagogical Phases Technical Phases
During this Design Phase you would: Articulate learning outcomes in the form of measurable course objective statements (Quality Course Element #1), and Design a course organization and structure based on the course objectives that facilitate student learning (Quality Course Element #2).
Creating & Aligning Objectives Once objectives are written: Think about teaching/learning activities, assessments and standards Alignment (what are your students doing in classes and the program and are you measuring what you say you are teaching?) May need to revisit objectives, are they overlapping? Are there objectives missing? Map them out on the grid (alignment grid for courses, curriculum map for program)
During this Build Phase you would: Develop learning activities that engage students in a complete learning process (Quality Course Element #3) Develop course content provided in media formats appropriate for the web (Quality Course Element #4)
The Teaching with Technology Piece The U of U TACC-IMS Teaching Guides The Instructure.com Canvas Guides for Instructors
During this phase you would: Create a sense of learning community facilitated through specifically planned communication, and student support (Quality Course Element #5)
Creating a Sense of Community & Support Instructure.com Student Canvas Guides E-Moderating website (model for moderating online) Key Elements of building Online Community
During this phase of designing you would: Utilize assessment, feedback and evaluation strategies that measure student learning outcomes as well as overall course quality (Quality Course Element #6)
Recommendations Focus on what students will do Partner and collaborate, establish relationships with others using Canvas Start with objectives and not with the technology Prioritize needs and guide for success Draw from resources and evidence from the literature based on what objectives are not on what you think you might need