Stone Church of England Combined School Building Stepping Stones to Success KS1 Year 2
Monday 12th September 2014 Welcome to Year 2
Staff Miss Hindmarsh Teacher Mrs Benfield Teaching Assistant Mrs Saunders Teaching Assistant Mrs Belson Teaching Assistant
The School Day Monday: Tuesday Open the book Maths Guided reading/RWI English RE Topic Tuesday Maths PE (Coach Tom) English Guided reading/RWI Computing
The School Day Wednesday: Thursday Maths Guided reading/RWI English PE Music Thursday Maths Guided reading/RWI English Science Library
The School Day Friday Maths Guided reading/RWI English Homework and spellings Topic
Social Skills & Independence Class Agreement Individual reward - Class Dojo Whole class reward Responsibilities School behaviour policy
Behaviour Followed across the school: Verbal warning Warning cloud Sad face – 5 minutes of free time Time out Refer to Deputy Refer to Headteacher
Personalised Learning Assessment – daily, half termly and termly Teaching catered to your child’s individual needs Challenge for all Choice of differentiated tasks and targets Chilli challenge Personalised marking to extend
What is different about Year 2? More focused and structured learning, High expectations, Handwriting and presentation becomes important, Spellings Weekly homework in English and Maths, 99 Club
Handwriting This slide shows handwriting from a reception child from a school in London. They are EAL too. So it highlights that if this can be achieved by other schools, then we need to be aiming for this too
Spellings High expectations for spelling Tested on Friday 5 words following taught spelling rule 5 common exception words 2 random words in dictation Please practise writing spellings in sentences and discuss the rules.
Homework Handed out on Friday Return Wednesday Homework club Maths and English Spelling, mental maths, reading Learning Logs every half term
PE Tuesday – Coach Tom Wednesday – Miss Hindmarsh Please ensure your child has full named PE kit (indoor and outdoor) Red t-shirt, black shorts/trousers Indoor and outdoor shoes
SATs May Inform teacher assessment SPaG and spellings Reasoning and arithmetic Two reading papers
SATs Interim assessment for reading, writing, maths and science. Not best fit!
Reading and Phonics Guided Reading daily Books changed by their teacher at different times Compliments what they are doing in lessons. Reading books: Library books changed weekly on Thursday. Reading books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday.
How can I help my child in English? Handwriting – cursive Read daily – comprehension Record in reading record and sign Spellings – discuss the rule Support children in understanding of areas of SPAG e.g. nouns, verbs. Daily reading comprehension Vocabulary
How can I help my child in Maths? Importance of mental maths Daily times table and number bonds Vocabulary Using and applying Concrete – pictorial – abstract Place value
Dates coming up… Monday 19th September – Roald Dahl Arts Award, Roald Dahl Museum. Parents evening – Wednesday 23rd November (5-8) and Thursday 24th November (3.30-6). Parent Involvement – enterprise day (Pudding Lane Bakery sale) Wednesday 12th October Forest School – 1st half of Spring Term
Any questions?