Population of South Africa 68% black 18% white 11% coloured 3% Asian
Sample Autistic “Normal” Down’s syndrome Number 20 27 14 Chronological age (average) 12 4.5 11 Mental age 5 (assumed) 3
The questions The critical/belief question “Where will Sally look for the marble?” The memory question “Where was the marble in the beginning?” The naming question “Which doll is which?” The reality question “Where is the marble really?”
The results! 0% % failure on questions Autistic group Down’s syndrome “Normal” preschoolers Naming Reality Memory 0% Belief 80% On both trials 14% on both trials 15% on both trials
Test your knowledge! What kind of an experiment is this? Why was the experiment replicated with the marble being put in the experimenter’s pocket rather than the box? Why were Down’s syndrome children tested? Which design was used? Main problem with this study?
Think! Why did only 80% fail the belief question? Brainstorm possible reasons, bearing in mind your knowledge of autism. What can you conclude about this study, considering its aim? A theory of mind is a kind of metarepresentation, a belief about another’s belief, which may well be different from your own, or even false What problems ensue when you don’t have a theory of mind?
Homework Concentrate ONLY on the “What if” sections but do them in detail. Sample, location, procedure, measurement. You have a 3 stage process to follow 1. State your suggested change. 2. Suggest how it would affect the results. 3. State how your change would affect the validity/ecological validity/ reliability/ generalisability of the results. Use your knowledge of autism to inform your answers.
Core Studies 2 paper (Section B) This concentrates, amongst other topics, on the strengths and weaknesses of the different areas of psychology. You will be given 4 studies to consider. Firstly, you will be asked to consider ALL 4 studies in relation to some topic e.g. what these topics tell us about the way we think/respond in social situations/develop. Answer scheme is strictly based on a 3 point plan: POINT, EXAMPLE, COMMENT.
Let’s practise this with cognitive Psychology! Loftus & Palmer Gardner and Gardner Deregowski Baron-Cohen (What other study could quite as easily be included here?) Point about the way we think Example from study Intelligent further comment
Section B (part b) Secondly, you may be asked about the strengths/weaknesses of an area of Psychology. Here you do not need to refer to ALL the studies in your answer. With these 4 studies, make quick notes on the area of cognitive psychology. Use the studies as a trigger for your ideas. Don’t forget: point, example, comment.