Unit: Greek Theatre History Types of Greek Plays Unit: Greek Theatre History
Questions Asked Why are there only two types of Greek plays? What was the most famous Greek play? What was the last known play? What was more popular, comedies or tragedies?
3 types Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK-dbLiaGvU
3 Types of Greek Plays Tragedies Comedies Satyr
Tragedy Thespis is considered to be the first Greek "actor" and originator of tragedy Evolved from dithyrambs, songs sung in praise of Dionysus each year
Tragedy as a genre Performed by actors in which a central character called a tragic protagonist or hero suffers some serious misfortune which is not accidental Tragedy stresses the vulnerability of human beings whose suffering is brought on by a combination of human and divine actions, but is generally undeserved with regard to its harshness. This genre is not totally pessimistic in its outlook. Many tragedies end in misery for the characters, there are also tragedies in which a satisfactory solution of the tragic situation is attained.
Structure of Tragedy Prologue: exposition about past events Parados: entrance of chorus Episodes: 3-6 scenes of spoken dialogue separated by choral odes Odes have several parts (strophe/antistrophe) Episodes develop action; odes comment on it
Famous Tragedies Antigone- Sophocles Medeia- Euripides Agamemnon- Aeschylus Oedipus Rex (Oedipus the King)- Sophocles
Comedy Comedy was also an important part of ancient Greek theatre. No one is quite sure of the origins of comedy, but it is said that they derived from imitation. All comedies of note during this time are by Aristrophanes. Many times named after the chorus Involved outlandish costumes
Structure of Comedy The first part was the parados where the Chorus of as many as 24 performers entered and performed a number of song and dance routines The second phase of the show was the agon which was often a witty verbal contest or debate between the principal actors with fantastical plot elements and the fast changing of scenes which may have included some improvisation The third part of the play was the parabasis, when the Chorus spoke directly to the audience and even directly spoke for the poet. The show-stopping finale of a comedy play was the exodos when the Chorus gave another rousing song and dance routine.
Famous Greek Comedies The Clouds- Aristophanes Lysistrata- Aristophanes Dyskolos- Menander
Satyr Play Satirical plays Dealt with matter similar to that of tragedy or epic, but in a comic way Chorus of satyrs: half-men, half-goats
Let’s Answer your Questions Why are there only two types of Greek plays? What was the most famous Greek play? / What was the last known play? What was more popular, comedies or tragedies?
Why are there only two types of Greek plays? There are 3 types of plays These were what the playwrights were writing We can still today break most plays into either Comedies or Tragedies Let’s Answer your Questions
What was the most famous Greek play? What was the last known play? It is hard to say Many Greek plays are read in drama classes Let’s Answer your Questions
What was more popular, comedies or tragedies? More tragedies have been found in a full text version
Mix- Freeze- Pair What is the main difference between comedy and tragedy? What is the main difference between comedy and satyr play? What is the main difference between tragedy and satyr play? What is a major characterization of a comedy? What is a major characterization of a tragedy? What is a major characterization of a satyr play?