Look at these examples: Somebody built my house in 1930. subject object We use an active verb to say what the subject does. My grandfather built my house. A big company employs two hundred people. My house was built in 1930. subject We use a passive verb to say what happens to the subject. This house was built by my grandfather. Two hundred people are employed by a big company.
If we want to say who does or what causes the action, we use by… When we use the passive, who or what causes the action is often unknown or unimportant. A lot of money was stolen. (someboby stole it but we don’t know who) Is this room cleaned every day? (Does somebody clean it? – it’s not important who) If we want to say who does or what causes the action, we use by… My house was built by my grandfather. Two hundred people are employed by the company.
In the active sentence, the focus in more on the subject In the active sentence, the focus in more on the subject. In the passive sentence, the focus is more on the action. (what happens)
The passive is: be + past participle Present simple Past simple + Risotto is made with rice. These offices are cleaned every morning. It isn’t made with pasta. They aren’t cleaned on Saturdays. ? Is it made with meat? Are they cleaned on Sundays? + This picture was painted by Picasso. The pyramids were buit by the Egyptians. - It wasn’t painted by Dali. They weren’t built by the Greeks. ? When was it painted? Why were they built?