CSE 3: Fluency with Information Technology Allison Bagnol Computational Thinking Presentation Information with MS PowerPoint Visual Programming with Alice Solving problems Designing systems Understanding the power of machine intelligence Learned basic programming with Alice Used many different methods, parameters, grouping Loops, functions Created events and calls for manipulating objects Loops inside loops Hiding calculations using functions Making Information Available to the World with HTML and Web Pages Utilized graphs, charts, and tables in Excel with real data Comparison of prices, stocks, expenses, etc. Utilized functions and formula to format and calculate data If/else statements, cell merging Link to CSE3 Page Linked all labs and homework assignments Learned how to organize data in tables (including pictures) Data Analysis and Visualization with MS Excel Dynamic Webpage Programming with JavaScript Created four-year plan with formatting options for easier readability (legends, color coding, merging cells, etc.) Created am annual budget and used Excel formulas to calculate total expenses, per year spending money, etc. Created a pie chart and column chart, illustrating budget Desktop Publishing with MS Word Text wrapping, textboxes, bibliography, table of contents Used built-in styles Formatted and unformatted text Used MS Word tools and published it online (CSE 3 Page) CSS styling, HTML buttons, if/else statements, various conditions Created interactive Black Jack game with JavaScript user able to input bet amount, then play game against “dealer”, and make real fake money