Family Friendly Policies on Turnover Rates in Public Sector The Relationship between Family Friendly Policies and Employee Turnover Rates in Federal Government Agencies PAD-6908 Askew School Jungwoo Hong
Which agency is the best places to work in the federal government? Scores by Family Friendly Culture (2011) ( Best agency * Nuclear Regulatory Commission - score 58.5, employees left #: 186 (4.80%) * Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - score 57.7, employees left #: 202 (4.00%) Worst agency * U.S. Agency for International Development - score 26.6, employees left #: 133 (6.20%) * Department of veterans Affairs - score 25.7, employees left #: 17,813 (6.60%)
Literature Review (Family Friendly Policy Options) Flextime turnover intention may increase due to lower earning and stress with unpredictable workweek (Lonnie Golden, 2001) turnover could be reduced meeting the dual demands of work and family life Child care program make a negative contribution to the employee turnover rates especially for mothers Employee assistance program (EAP) improve employee mental and physical well-being for job satisfaction and reduced turnover intention
Unit of Analysis & Data Collection Unit of Analysis: “Federal Government Agencies in U.S.” (38 large Federal agencies ) Data Collection (2010 & 2011) 76 samples Dependent Variable: “quitting job rates” - U. S. Office of Personnel Management, Central Personnel Data File (CPDF) Independent Variable: “level of satisfaction with Flextime, Child care program, Employee assistance program” - The Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (2011 & 2012) Control Variable: #1“the level of total satisfaction with their organization” #2“the gender makeup (female rates)”
Key variables (Conceptual Framework) INDEP. VA: Level of Satisfaction with Family Friendly policies IV.1: Flextime - Alternative work schedules IV.2: Child Care Program - Daycare, parenting classes, support groups IV.3: Employee Assistance Program - Counseling services, life skills programs, fitness programs DEP. VA: Turnover Rates (2010 & 2011) - quitting job rates (OPM) - for non-seasonal, full-time permanent employees of the Executive Branch
Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Independent Variable Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey 80. How satisfied are you with the following Work/Life programs in your agency... Alternative Work Schedules (AWS)? Positive Neutral Negative 2011 FedView Results 65.9% 25.2% 9.0% 2010 FedView Results 78.0% 16.2% 5.8% 82. How satisfied are you with the following Work/Life programs in your agency... Employee Assistance Program (EAP)? Positive Neutral Negative 2011 FedView Results 40.5% 53.8% 5.7% 2010 FedView Results 56.0% 39.9% 4.2% 83. How satisfied are you with the following Work/Life programs in your agency... Child Care Programs (for example, daycare, parenting classes, parenting support groups)? Positive Neutral Negative 2011 FedView Results 15.9% 71.4% 12.7% 2010 FedView Results 29.8% 56.5% 13.7%
Federal Agency Quitting Job Rates in 2010 and 2011 Dependent Variable Federal Agency Quitting Job Rates in 2010 and 2011 Large Federal Agency Quitting rates FEVS OPM 2010 2011 AID AM U.S. Agency for International Development 0.66% 1.66% BBG IB Broadcasting Board of Governors 1.15% 1.17% CSOSA FQ Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency 2.61% 1.56% DHS HS Department of Homeland Security 1.48% 1.47% DOC CM Department of Commerce 1.42% 1.44% DOE DN Department of Energy 1.18% 1.35% DOI IN Department of the Interior 1.12% DOJ DJ Department of Justice 1.21% DOL DL Department of Labor 1.53% 1.80% DOT TD Department of Transportation 0.67% 0.64%
Control Variable #1: Total satisfaction with organization (Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey) 71. Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your organization? Positive Neutral Negative 2011 FedView Results 66.5% 17.1% 16.4% 2010 FedView Results 71.0% 17.3% 11.7% #2: Gender make-up (Federal Agency Female Rates, Large Federal Agency FEVS OPM Female Rate AID AM U.S. Agency for International Development 54.4% BBG IB Broadcasting Board of Governors 39.8% CSOSA FQ Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency 64.1% DHS HS Department of Homeland Security 30.9% DOC CM Department of Commerce 39.9% DOE DN Department of Energy 37.9% DOI IN Department of the Interior 40.4% DOJ DJ Department of Justice 38.7% DOL DL Department of Labor 48.8% DOT TD Department of Transportation 26.6%
Conceptual Framework Independent Variable#1 : level of satisfaction with Flextime Dependent Variable : employee turnover rates (quitting job rates) Independent Variable#2 : level of satisfaction with child care program Independent Variable#3 : level of satisfaction with employee assistance program Control Variable #1: level of total satisfaction with org. #2: Gender make-up (female rates)
Policy Options: Analysis Correlations Flextime Childcare EAPs Org. Female Rates Quit Pearson Correlation 1 .216 .406** .204 .028 -.371** Sig. (2-tailed) .061 .000 .078 .813 .001 N 76 .510** .307** -.078 .054 .007 .505 .644 .503** .051 -.297** .662 .009 -.025 -.113 .830 .332 .032 .780 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)
Policy Options: Analysis Coefficients a (R square = 22.9%) Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) .026 .014 1.895 .062 Flextime -.016 .006 -.304 -2.644 .010 Childcare .021 .009 .291 2.361 EAPs -.027 .011 -.344 -2.404 .019 Organization .035 .286 .776 Female Rates .005 .007 .082 .773 .442 a. Dependent Variable: Quit job Rates
Policy Options: Analysis Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Flextime 76 .22 .88 .6628 .14261 Childcare .06 .52 .2266 .09949 EAPs .16 .69 .4567 .09150 Organization .59 .82 .7048 .04270 Female Rates .266 .678 .49542 .116555 Quit Rates .0021 .0384 .014755 .0072930 Valid N (listwise)
Policy Option Analysis Turnover Rates Flextime Child Care Program EAPs Positive (+) Negative (-) Negative (-)
Implication & Discussion evaluating the alternative family friendly policy options in Federal government in terms of how important they are in reducing turnover EAPs Using objective variable (turnover rates) instead of subjective variables and self response such as job satisfaction or turnover intention Discussion Turnover can be affected by other variables such as pay, vision, support for diversity, self-development, leadership, teamwork and organizational culture limited in applying to the entire sphere (state and local government agencies, private sector)
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