Workshop on freight train derailments - Introduction - Emmanuel Ruffin Safety Unit 06 – 05 – 2011 1st Workshop on freight train derailments
1st Workshop on freight train derailments Some definitions Measure “action taken in order to prevent or mitigate freight train derailment risks” Types of studied measure -> Mandatory - EU harmonised -> Voluntary - Sector harmonised - Company 06 – 05 – 2011 1st Workshop on freight train derailments
1st Workshop on freight train derailments Some definitions Prevention -> reduces the derailment frequency -> limits the occurrence of derailments e.g. maintain axles, maintain tracks, respect operating speed limits… Mitigation -> reduces the derailment severity -> limits the consequences of occurred derailments e.g. detect derailment as soon as possible, protect operation of neighbouring tracks… 06 – 05 – 2011 1st Workshop on freight train derailments
Coordination of ‘derailment’ activities Task Force on wagon maintenance (09/2010) DNV Study (06/2011) Mandate from the Commission ERA Impact Assessment (12/2011) ERA draft recommendation (12/2011) Consultation of the social partners (02/2012) ERA final recommendation to the Commission (03/2012) Research project (2011-2016) Railfreight Platform Inputs 06 – 05 – 2011 1st Workshop on freight train derailments
Scope of ERA’s 2012 recommendation Short term measures -> Applicable from 1st January 2013 -> Efficient < 5 years -> Not compromising longer term measures Medium term measures -> Applicable, efficient and implemented < 5 years ERA 2012 Rec. DNV Study R&D Rail Freight Platform Long term measures -> Applicable after 5 years, conditioned to additional developments 06 – 05 – 2011 1st Workshop on freight train derailments
Scope of this workshop ERA 2012 Rec. DNV Study Part A Short term measures -> Applicable from 1st January 2013 -> Efficient < 5 years -> Not compromising longer term measures Medium term measures -> Applicable, efficient and implemented < 5 years ERA 2012 Rec. DNV Study Part A Analysis of past derailments Survey of existing measures against derailments Survey of markets for technical measures 06 – 05 – 2011 1st Workshop on freight train derailments
1st Workshop on freight train derailments Workshop objectives Share information Discuss the DNV Study part A results Identify relevant issues for the next steps 06 – 05 – 2011 1st Workshop on freight train derailments
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