Project 8: Internet of Hospital Things (IoHT): Communicating to Facilitate Healing REU Student: Brandon Alex Belna Graduate mentors: Myungho Lee, Kangsoo Kim, and Ryan Schubert Faculty Mentor(s): Dr. Welch and Dr. Bruder Week 1 (May 22 – May 26, 2017) Accomplishments: Read Dr. Welch’s NSF Proposal on IoHT using AR/VR technologies Started to investigate several methodologies and technologies for achieving the unification of AR/VR & IoT. Learned the technologies being used in both the fields of IoT and AR/VR (Unity, Arduino, HoloLens, etc.) Plans for next week: Meet with Dr. Bruder next week to discuss creating a concrete project plan Start to learn Unity and HoloLens development NSF REU Research Experience on Internet of Things 2017