Robust Vocabulary
asserted If you asserted something, you said in a strong way what you believe. 1. Would you assert that you kind of like ice cream or that you love ice cream? 2. What is your favorite book? Assert your opinion that everyone should read it because it is so good. 3. You want to make your bedtime 10 minutes later. How would you assert that this is a good idea? 4. Listen to this two sentences: The students is my class are the best students in the school! There are many students at our school. In which sentence did I assert my opinion.
offended If you feel offended, you feel hurt or upset by something someone did or said. 1. Would you be offended if someone yelled at you or smiled at you? 2. If I gave you a reward for good behavior, would you feel offended? Why or why not? 3. What could you do to help a friend you have offended? 4. What are some things that might offend you?
retorted If you retorted, you replied in an angry way to something someone else said. 1. What would make you retort in anger-hearing a funny joke or hearing mean words? 2. What could you retort if someone asked you to do something you knew was unfair? 3. Your friend just said that he was going to beat you at your favorite game. What might you retort? 4. When someone retorts, does the person speak in a nice way or an upset way? Explain.
congenial A congenial person is very nice and friendly. 1. Would you be congenial to your friends if you shared your toys with them or if you told them that you didn’t want to talk to them? 2. Show how a congenial person would act if someone accidentally bumped into him or her. 3. Would a congenial person say: “I do not like you anymore?” or “I’m so glad I got to meet you?” 4. Would this be a congenial thing to say? You are such a big help!
congregate When people congregate at a place, they gather there and spend time there. 1. Do you and your friends congregate on the playground or at the doctor’s office? 2. Name some places where children like to congregate. 3. Do you think people would congregate in a car or at a restaurant? Why? 4. Would you like to congregate at the beach or in a closet? Why?
cheerful When you are happy and smiling, people say you are cheerful. 1. Would you be cheerful if you laughed a lot or if you frowned all of the time? 2. Show what a cheerful face looks like. Now show a grumpy face. 3. Would you feel cheerful if someone said that today is your birthday or you have a lot of work to do? 4. Would you feel cheerful if you got a pair of brand-new shoes? Why or why not?
Try this. Match the picture with the word. A. offended B. asserted C. congregate D. retorted E. congenial F. cheerful F ____ D ____ C ____ B ____ A E ____ ____
retorted asserted offended cheerful congregate congenial Try this. What word completes each sentence? congenial congregate asserted cheerful retorted offended retorted 1. He was angry and _______________ with rude comments. 2. He ________________ his innocence. 3. I was _______________ when he called me a liar. 4. The ________________ waiter made our meal enjoyable. 5. We saw the tourists ________________ around the statue. 6. The new girl in the neighborhood is so ______________ that everyone wants to be her friend. asserted offended cheerful congregate congenial