Open Data supporting management of urban growth challenges (WP4) Tomas Soukup, Erika Orlitova, Jakub Balhar, Vaclav Vobora GISAT
GISAT SME company with 25 years track Earth Observation based services Data-2-Information services Located in Prague, Czech Republic Serving globally
Background / Urban Context
Background / Urban Context Urbanization - Big challenge and opportunity globally Cities are key for the sustainable development agenda (SDG11- Sustainable cities and communities) More resource efficient model of growth is needed for more resilient and economical, ecological and social inclusive future cities.
Background / Urban Context Understanding Urban Complexity Information support needed to manage urban growth and all its consequences especially on strategic planning level understanding of city/region potentials for different urban growth strategies (densification, re-development, greening…) in actual development context support evidence based decisions on urban development options
Background / Problem Vast amount of urban related data available (including growing Open Data sources), but... heterogeneous - both contents and source cumbersome for retrieval (way of access, licensing…) not integrated not presented in a way to support decision process As result, considerable effort is needed to derive required information out of existing data and are effectively often not used
Solution / WP4 Service Focus Urban growth monitoring Land resource management support (potential, use) Strategic level Open Data exploitation including Copernicus data flows Cloud enabled scalable, parallel data processing
Solution / WP4 Service Focus spatial-temporal patterns of urban forms integrated with other social, economic, environmental information beyond administrative boundaries harmonized, comparable
Solution / WP4 Service Focus Not providing a magic ’42’ answer Playground for informed, but creative urban planning decisions support in data ingestion support in data integration support in data-to-information process support in information communication support in collaboration
UrbanExplorer – Urban data exploration platform UrbanExplorer BackOffice Geonode repository UrbanExplorer GUI
Urban Explorer PostGIS OD processing architecture OSM SciHub IPR Strabon/OnTop Source adapter Source adapter Source adapter Source adapter Twitter Transformer chain Output adapter Source adapter Facebook Urban Explorer PostGIS Transformer Transformer Transformer
OD processing architecture source adapters, extract subsets from external data sources and convert the data into the format intended for successive processing transformers, process data provided by source adapters output adapter, converts transformers’ output and loads the result into the UrbanExplorer infrastructure dedicated for final analytical exploration and analysis
On-fly Use Case response time is critical on-fly query on external distributed resources on-fly analysis tied to UrbanExplorer infrastructure availability and reliability of external sources backed up by handling of data through intermediate repository - caching external resources in case of source response failure/timelaps
On-fly example - UrbanPDA Site selection based on multiple dynamic criteria Integration of several (Linked) Open Data sources Potential Development Areas candidates: Copernicus Urban Atlas - Potential Development Areas candidates Limiting factors: OSM – Access to services City of Prague (IPR) – Zoning and regulation data
Example of on-the-fly analysis - UrbanPDA Analysis of Potential Development Areas (PDA) including the actual development context Integration and analysis of different (linked) open data sources
Example of on-the-fly analysis - UrbanPDA Analysis of Potential Development Areas (PDA) including the actual development context Integration and analysis of different (linked) open data sources
On-demand Use Case Availability for on-demand analysis is far from on-the-fly needs. response time is not critical on-demand analysis not directly tied to UrbanExplorer infrastructure, but the results can be integrated and utilized there there is oportunity to heavily utilize cloud computing platform to scale the service according user demand
On-demand example - UrbanDynamics Processor (ala video object tracking) developed under ESA Innovation Triangle Programme (ITI), 2015-2016 (12 months) Implementation within WP2 sandbox - use of parallel processing in order to reduce time efficiency Input - all available Landsat/Sentinel-2 scenes for observed period via OpenSearch + Copernicus UrbanAtlas (training) Output - changes for time intervals (binary + confidence level) More granular information about change dynamic
On-demand example - UrbanDynamics Continuous urban growth dynamic monitoring Example: annual changes (top) cumulative changes (bottom) North-West part of Prague (2006-2009) Harvesting and parallel processing of EO open data sources
On-demand example - UrbanDynamics Harvesting and parallel processing of EO open data sources
Lesson learned On-fly queries of distributed LOD sources is great vision, but still challenge for operational use (availability, reliability) - caching approach introduced Cloud computing provides tremendous potential to EO based services providers For the later the time is now, for the former technical barriers still exist, but may be removed in near future Internalized knowledge and capacity Competitive advantage for our future services development
Future development LOD principles for identification of relevant datasets (meta search) based on user-defined ontologies – ongoing cooperation with CTU and City of Prague Cluster deployment testing with T2 (UrbanDynamics) Implementation of principles in global context
Sustainability beyond the project duration UrbanExplorer Platform approaches are trasferred into the contex of EO data support of Multilateral Development Banks in urban domain (e.g. World Bank, ADB, IADB)
Open Data supporting management of urban growth challenges (WP4) Tomas Soukup, Erika Orlitova, Jakub Balhar, Vaclav Vobora GISAT