Student Activities or Assignments UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS The Unit Organizer NAME 4 BIGGER PICTURE DATE Christian Ethics 10 2 LAST UNIT /Experience 1 CURRENT UNIT CURRENT UNIT 3 NEXT UNIT /Experience … My Story Our Story 8 Student Activities or Assignments 5 UNIT MAP is about... gaining a better understanding of one’s self Unit Introduction Develop Life Story Compare LS to others Analyze Talents and Gifts Scripture References Analyze Needs of others Community Response Plan Service Project Unit Assessment by analyzing one’s through Life Story Service to Others by analyzing one’s by recognizing the Talents and Gifts Needs of Others 1. How does my life story compare to the life story of others around me? 2. How can my qualities, talents, and gifts be used to benefit myself and others? 3. How are the needs of people dealt with in our community? 4. How can I positively contribute to the lives of those who have greater needs? Sequencing Description Compare/Contrast Problem/Solution 6 UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS PROCESSES LEARNING 7
gaining a better understanding of one’s self The Unit Organizer NAME My Story DATE 9 Expanded Unit Map is about... gaining a better understanding of one’s self by analyzing one’s through Life Story Service to Others by analyzing one’s by recognizing the Retell personal biography Analyze life story for meaning Compare life story to others: - family members - friends - community member - Church member Plan for CE10 service project Talents and Gifts Needs of Others List own qualities, gifts, & talents Assess these: - positive qualities - limitations Search scripture for reference to some of the gifts and talents Analyze impact of these on self and others Recognize needs of people in our community Recognize support organizations Compare organization support and needs of people 10 SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NEW UNIT ...