Agenda item 5: Discussion of next steps Training on reporting of SoE biological elements in rivers and lakes 25-26 September 2013, Skopje and Ohrid, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
Outline Some common problems with SoE biology reporting Next steps for Macedonia: Development of WFD-compliant monitoring programme biology data, stations representing the whole pressure gradients Development of WFD-compliant national classification system biological metrics, class boundaries, reference conditions Reporting of SoE EQR values and/or ecological status Inclusion of future MK biology data into WISE maps and assessments Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
Some common problems with SoE biology reporting National classification system is not fully developed or not WFD-compliant country cannot set status class Reference value is not defined country cannot calculate EQR EQR is reported for multiple metric for the same BQE (e.g. both ASPT and No. of Taxa for macroinvertebrates) EEA cannot use the data Status class is reported, but not EQR EEA may or may not use the data EQR is reported, but not classification system EEA cannot calculate normalised EQR (e.g. for trend analyses) Reported data are not representative (e.g. only reference stations) data give biased results in assessment Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
Development of WFD-compliant monitoring programme Current situation: Rivers Regular monitoring is conducted according to national legislation The national river monitoring system consists of 20 stations, covering the whole territory of Macedonia Water quality monitoring including biology: phytobenthos and macroinvertebrates Sampling frequency: every month (12 samples per year) Monitoring started in 1963. Data back to 1975 are stored digitally. Originally 4 stations, then 10, then 60; covering rivers, accumulations (= reservoirs) and natural lakes (3). Current monitoring system since 1999 Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
Development of WFD-compliant monitoring programme Current situation: Rivers From 1999, the ministries decided to reduce the number of stations for national monitoring system to 20. This monitoring system is supported by Switzerland. From 1999, the Law of local self-government provides the possibility for municipalities to monitor water quality in local measuring points (in addition to the 20 national monitoring stations). The municipalities can decide whether to monitoring is necessary for the measuring points, but there is no obligation. No data for EEA is expected from these measuring points. Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
Development of WFD-compliant monitoring programme Current situation: Lakes Monitored by the Hydrobiological Institute (Ohrid). The institute is entitled to do monitoring for scientific purposes, but has no monitoring obligation. Law on natural lakes protection (3 lakes): aims at lakes protection No regular monitoring of lakes; all sampling is based on projects Some data on phytoplankton are available Any data available for macrophytes? River Basin Managment Plan (RBMP) is developed for Lake Prespa (natural lake). Contains information on planned measures and implementation. Bregalnica river basin management project - includes development of RBMP (supported by Switzerland) Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
Development of WFD-compliant monitoring programme Plans / aims Under the new national Law on waters (based on the WFD), development of river basin managment plans (RBMPs) is a legal requirement RBMPs will be developed for all four river basins: Vardar, Strumica, Drim, Juzna Morava (small) Each RBMP will specifiy the plan for monitoring, measures and implementation. Lake Prespa: Monitoring preparations has started in 2013 (identification of stations, procurement of sampling ship), data have already been generated. Monitoring of groundwater is also included in the plans. Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
Development of WFD-compliant monitoring programme Challenges / problems Development of biological monitoring is a particular challenge in the development of RBMPs Institutional capacity is lacking. Relevant biological expertice exist in universities, but not in the institutions responsible for RBMPs and monitoring. Engaging external experts from universities is costly. Strengthening of institutional capacity and training of staff is needed. Field/lab equipment is needed, with relevant softwares. At least two field vehicles are needed for visiting monitoring sites. Finances for equipment are needed. Proper legislation for biological monitoring is needed, such as rule book regulating the conditions for biological monitoring performance (including guidelines and instructions). Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
Development of WFD-compliant national classification system Current situation Decree on water classification (1999): specifies parameters required for each water class: oxygen, priority substances, biological index, etc. There are 5 water classes of water clarity (1=best, 5=worst), which are similar to the 5 classes of WFD. Decree on categorisation of rivers, lakes and accumulations (1999): description of water bodies according to their category. The biological metric currently used is the Pantel & Buck saprobic index (rivers), which is based on both phytobenthos and macroinvertebrates. SoE biology reporting requires assessment of phytobenthos and macroinvertebrates separately. New metrics are therefore needed. Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
Development of WFD-compliant national classification system Plans RBMPs should be developed in order to set ref conds, class boundaries etc. National delineation of water bodies is needed Needs for biological metrics and for scientific advice will be specified in the RBMPs. Can workshop on biological metrics be arranged via EEA/ETC? Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
Development of WFD-compliant national classification system Challenges Biological monitoring is the weak point of institutions. There is high expertice is in universities, but these experts require payment for services. University expertice is involved in RBMPs. Training of institution staff is needed, but training by university professors is costly, and budget is lacking. The biological metrics in use in the region do not seem adequate for Macedoina (according to discussion with university professor). Advice is needed from external competent experts on how to select or develop new biological metrics. The knowledge gaps and needs for biological metrics will be specified in the RBMPs. Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
Reporting of SoE EQR values and/or ecological status Current situation For rivers, much data are available but EQR values cannot yet be reported, due to lack of WFD-compliant classification system. Plans The vision is improving national water quality monitoring programme, with emphasis on biological monitoring. Plans for assessment of status class and calculation of EQR values will be specified in the RBMPs for each river basin. Challenges Monitoring must first be implemented. Calculation of EQR values can only start after biological metrics are selected/developed and their reference conditions are established. Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
Inclusion of future MK biology data into WISE maps and assessments Current situation Additional lakes metrics (Chl-a) reported by MK is included in the assessment by ETC-ICM Plans All SoE biology data reported by MK in the requested format will be included in maps and assessments by ETC-ICM as far as possible. Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)