How the Internet works. By Albert Teatheredge.
Introduction Hello and welcome to this PowerPoint it’s about the internet and how it works I hope you enjoy it I put a lot of effort into it so lets find out how the internet works.
Cables. There are two types of cables copper cables and Fibre-optic. Fibre-optic cables travel underwater and turns the electricity into light. Copper cables travel through underground tunnels. People are asking to only have fibre-optic since it is better and faster.
How the Internet moves. The Internet goes around the world through cables. If you're in England it goes to a sever in London and if you’re in America it goes to New York then to wherever the sever comes from or it goes to L.A or California.
What it goes through It starts when the client (which can be any electronic device capable of connecting to the internet .) types in a website name like it then goes to the router which makes the route to the D.N.S (domain name sever.) it then travels through the cables to the D.N.S it then asks if it can get the full I.P address if it can it travels to the main sever, the sever gives it the I.P address it then gets split up and has to go different ways to avoid blockage it goes to the client and the image pops up.
I.P addresses I.P Addresses are the numbers that give you the full web page. They stay in different severs until someone asks for it so the can see the page usually they come to you in packages.
Packages Packages are what you send and get back when you ask for a web page. Packages are one big piece of code with the websites I.P when you send them out, they travel through cables and have a small time to live, “living” is when the package is assigned a number that number defines how many routers it can go through. When the package gets to the web pages server the package gets splits since the code would be to large to hold in one package it then goes separate ways to avoid blockages and you get the website on you’re screen.
Glossary Client- Any electronic device able to connect to the internet. Blockages- When too many packages go through the same path. D.N.S- Where some of the more local severs are held. Routers- Usually black or white can be made by a lot of companies like Sky or BT have blipping lights on them. Web page/ website- What you see when you type something in. Internet- You jut read about it!
The end So that’s it. I hope you enjoyed!!!