Antarctic Journal
Two Minute Edit Which word is the antonym of careless? cautious unthinking careful smart
Goals Reading Goal: Today I will draw conclusion from information in the text. Writing Goal: Today I will respond in writing to a text-related question. Team Cooperation Goal: In my team I will explain my ideas and tell why.
Vocabulary remote shuddering bolted sturdy suffering crept
Check Yourself Day 3 Self Do you know how to Pronounce the word Know the definition Say it in your own sentence
remote Definition- isolated Sentence- When I was in Disneyland I got remote from my parents.
shuddering Definition- shaking Sentence- When Maria got out the pool she was shuddering because the air was cold.
bolted Definition- attached Sentence- The chairs in the auditorium are bolted to the floor so students can’t move them.
sturdy Definition- strong Sentence- When I was climbing up my tree house, the ladder was not sturdy so I fell down.
suffering Definition- putting up with painfully Sentence- Steven was suffering when he got hit by a sixth grader.
crept Definition- snuck Sentence- Leonardo wanted to go to the store so he crept out the back door to go buy Takis.
Time to Pantomime With your partner I want you to pantomime the meaning of your selected vocabulary word.
Vocabulary Vault
today Today you will finish Antarctic Journal. You will find out what happens to Jennifer Owings Dewey when the ice cracks under her feet. Remember as you read, draw conclusions from the text.
Test Describe the setting on the Polar Duke. What can you conclude about the fact that all ships must stop for whales in the Antarctic? Which of the following is a fact?- What caused the narrator to fall through the ice? What can you conclude about the narrator from this part of the story? Which of the following is an example of figurative language?-
Fluency – 2 min Pg 588