A TOT course for physicians
A TOT course for physicians Prof. Aamir Jalal Al Mosawi Advisor Doctor
Accreditation This course is accredited by Iraq headquarter of Copernicus scientists international panel.
INTRODUCE YOURSELF:TRAINER BIOGRAPHY Advisor doctor Founding editor of the first Iraqi international peer-reviewed medical journal “The New Iraqi Journal of Medicine (2005-2013)”, and member of the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME).
INTRODUCE YOURSELF:TRAINER BIOGRAPHY In the past, I served as head of the department of pediatrics at the University hospital in Al Kadhimiyia. Expert trainer and conducted many accredited training courses in many fields including medical leadership and TOT courses.
Accreditation This course is accredited to be given in English language, but of course I will try to give clarifications in Arabic as convenient and you are free to make comments and discussions in Arabic or English as you wish. You can also ask for more clarifications in Arabic, if anything said was not clear.
Training the trainers by DEMONSTRATION Every thing the trainer do in a TOT course aims at teaching and training the participants how to design and conduct a training course. Therefore, the trainer is using the “Demonstration” as a principle training method.
Why this course was accredited? This course was accredited by Iraq headquarter of Copernicus scientists international panel because the main principles of the course and the core scientific content were published in books with international publisher.
Main references
Course Category This is a development course that aims at introducing the essentials of training for physicians.
Introductory talks: Training the trainers by DEMONSTRATION Every thing the trainer do in a TOT course aims at teaching and training the participants how to design and conduct a training course. Therefore, the trainer is using the “Demonstration” as a principle training method.
Introductory talks: Main aims The main aim of this course is to provide the participants all the general principles of professional training and development. The knowledge and skills acquired during the course will help the participants to conduct a successful training courses.
Introductory talks: Learning objectives After the end of the course, eligible participants are expected to achieve the following: Develop understating of the essential principles of training and development. Develop the ability to create a syllabus for short training courses Design and conduct training courses successfully.
Course overview This course is a short intensive course designed in a way that participants gain knowledge and skills through attendance of all the hours of the course. Attendance is very important; perfect commitment to the course will guarantee success and the desired benefit.
Course overview If you didn’t come for one day, you will lose 10 marks from the final score. If you didn’t come for two days, I will no be able to consider you as a participants in this course.
Course overview The first day will include introductory talks and activities in addition to some introductory modules. There will be eight days devoted for training sessions covering more than eighty modules followed by two practice days devoted for making presentations.
Course overview One of the effective methods of acquiring the skills of lecturing and training others is to practice lecturing and training. The final written exam will be conducted at the end of the training course.
Course overview: Making presentations During the fourteenth and fifteenth days of the course, each participant have to make presentations for about 25-30 minutes including 5-10 minutes for feedback and discussions. The presentation will be scored and will account for 30% of the final score.
Course overview: Making presentations The aim of the presentations is to make participants demonstrate their ability to create a syllabus, design and conduct a training course.
Course overview: Making presentations The participants have to divide the presentation into two parts: In the first part, each participant have to explain the followings: A-The syllabus of a training course. B-Any possible audio-visual aids can be used during the course. C-The main training methodologies will be used during the course. In the second part, the participants have to present a sample of a training session.
Course overview: Main training methods Interactive mini-lectures with use of visuals. Modeling by demonstration: Every thing the trainer do in this course aims at teaching and training the participants how to design and conduct a training course. Worksheets Training by teaching and making presentations. Case studies
Course overview: Training aids and handouts The Main training aids used in this course: Audios Visuals Handouts of the course include: Course information sheet Course syllabus Course worksheets
Module one: Ice breaking activity What is an ice breaking activity?
Module Two: Misconceptions about TOT courses A common misconception about TOT courses in a country like Iraq is the idea that a TOT course is all about body language and eye contact during a training course or during instruction. This misconception resulted because many unqualified people were unjustifiably allowed to conduct a TOT course after just attending a TOT course without having adequate knowledge or experience in training.
Misconceptions about TOT courses A TOT course is a development course aiming at enabling well qualified professionals (e.g. board certified consultant physicians) to impart their knowledge, skills, and experiences to other by conducting training courses.
Misconceptions about TOT courses TOT course aims primarily at training the participants of a TOT course on how to design and conduct a training course successfully, it also provide the essential principles of training including its process, training needs analysis and training evaluation.
Misconceptions about TOT courses To design and conduct a successful training course a well qualified professionals needs: Adequate knowledge about the training and instruction methods. A through understanding of learning during training course by having adequate knowledge about learning styles and learning theories that have practical applications during a training course. The skills and art of making presentation are also necessary to conduct a training.
Module three: Accreditation of training courses What is accreditation of a training course?
Accreditation of training courses An accreditation of a training course occurs when an independent scientific body evaluate a training course, the training methodology used in the course, and the qualifications of the trainers and lecturers of the course and approve the course.
Accreditation of training courses in Iraq: The Lost paradise Even in the less advanced and developed countries, it is not allowed to conduct unaccredited medical courses, However, almost all Iraqi medical training courses are not accredited. Unaccredited courses are now generally recognized as a waste of time of resources.
Module four: The need for professional training The importance of professional training and development has become well recognized and accepted by many organizations and institutions. Training and development is considered by some organizations as an investment and not an expense because of its rewarding influences.
The need for professional training ACTIVITY: Can you give an example of how training can be an investment?
The need for professional training ACTIVITY: A study published in the British Journal of Surgery concluded that after the initial training period, laparoscopic cholecystectomy was less expensive than the open operation and represents a cost-effective method for treatment patient with gallstones. Fullarton GM, Darling K, Williams J, MacMillan R, Bell G. Evaluation of the cost of laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy. Br J Surg 1994 Jan; 81(1):124-6.
The need for professional training ACTIVITY: Do you think that laparoscopic surgery training can be considered as an investment?
The need for professional training HOME ACTIVITY: Write one page about a training course project that can be viewed an investment using one to three references. Five extra-marks will be added to the final score of the participant writing the best project.
Learning motivation A five marks will be added to the final score of the participants who will make tomorrow a brief presentation entitled: How to conduct a training course: The first day events
The End Thank you for joining us today. I hope you are all satisfied for what you came for.