Zipporah, Kelina, Ashley, Karolina, Shai-Ann Banksy Zipporah, Kelina, Ashley, Karolina, Shai-Ann
Information about Banksy Banksy is a secret name but no one truly knows his identity He was born in Bristol, United Kingdom in 1974 Graffiti artist, political activist and film director His work often engages political themes, satirically critiquing war, capitalism, hypocrisy and greed Banksy's identity remains unknown, despite intense speculation
Models toward the Idea of Banksy
Models Incorporated two of Banksy artworksOn the right was a model inspired by Banksy colorful rain. The main importance was to display how as you age you rather not enjoy the given beauties of the world. rain I incorporated yarn, paint and melted crayons. On the left was the model with the robot who was secretly spray painting the walls. A printed backgroung and color splatter was used.On the left is consisted of a robot spraying the wall with spray cans. When we collaborated them we put the robot spraying the guy with the umbrella so that it cold still be colorful and bright.
Final Rendering and Model
Job Description Zipporah: Robot, Mannequin, Umbrella, Back and Sidewalls, Placing Lighting Keilna: Back and Sidewalls, positioning of robot, Lighting, Cleaning Windows Karolina: back and side walls, Robot, Umbrella Ashley: Back and Sidewalls, Umbrella Shai-Ann: Back walls and side walls, positioning of robot
Tools and Techniques SprayPaint Box Cutter Glue Guns and Stick Fishing Wires Saw Lights Gesso Scissors Triangle Paper: gray and White Masking Tape Tubes Dress Shoes Tile floor Suit Boots Hat String Spray Cans Paint
Robot Create multiple sized boxes with foam core Stabilize it with a long heavy tube Create arms with ventilation tubes Create legs with cardboard tubes Create feet with the shoes Create hands with foam core Stabilize bottom with tissue paper
Umbrella Clear umbrella Spray paint Tempera paint Acrylic Paint To make it stay we hung it with fishing wire To stand out we put christmas lights inside of the umbrella
Walls Making the brick walls was the most time consuming part. Steps: Covering the black thick foam cord with white paper Placing tape to do the brick style Gessoing the back wall Painting the wall the right color Than peeling the tape and coloring in between a cement color Than placing pieces of foam cord over certain parts for the bricks to be popped out.
Struggles and Solutions For the back walls to fit we decided to split score the foam cord since it was too thick to bend. When constructing the robot we started off with a smaller foam cord to see how covering it is best. For the umbrella we used spray paint to cover and actual paint on top so that it stayed together For the legs of the robot to stay in place we put tubs inside so that it could be sturdy Kept mixing until the right colors made the perfect shade in a bucket. Placing the back-walls into the window Construction of the robot Deciding what to use for the umbrella to make it colorful. (because paint kept peeling off) Constructing the legs of the robot Finding the exact color for the walls and making enough of it
Accomplishments Accomplishing the overall window display Getting the correct size and height of the robot Correct measurements Getting the outfit for the mannequin Finding the umbrella Getting the back wall to fit correctly Painting the floor and getting the correct measurement Spacing was used correctly
We learned.... We learned that doing art based on another artist is difficult because you want to portray their image or art. We also learned that we had to work as a group to complete everything because it all required more than one person to finish the walls, the robot, and mannequin. Without each other we would have never had a complete window. We also learned that we need to work on timing and trying the finish things more quickly because everything was a lot and felt crammed together
Final Window